ꕥDon't Tellꕥ

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Shuichi's POV:

         About an hour passes, and two very powerful company people sit on the couch. My father and I are on the couch across from them while my mother prepares dinner I assume.

"Ah yes, are you intersted in buying?" My father asks. I don't even know what they're talking about. I scoff slightly under my breath, and my father gives me a hard punch on my back.

"Ow! What the hell!?" I exclaim as I rub my back. Here we go, my old instincts kicking in! How fun... My father glares daggers at me. The men look at me and then each other. "Honestly, you guys should buy from my uncle. He has way better stock than we do. We'd have better stock if this man would listen to me about some things."

The men chuckle at my statement before sighing. "You really are hilarious, Shuichi. We'll give your uncle a call as well."

I smile and give my father a smug look.

This man is going to beat my ass.

"Thank you so much for your time, gentlemen, but we must be going." One of the men explain before standing up. I stand up next to my father.

"Ah, yes! Thank you for your time as well. Make sure to give us a call!" My father says. I shake the mens' hands, smirking at the fact that I persuaded them to call my uncle as well.

"Thank you for coming, it truely was an honor. Have a good one!" I tell the men before they walk out the front door. As soon as the door closes, my father wacks me over the back of the head.

"Fuckin' idiot! Stop doing that before I kick you out!" He scolds. I only laugh at his blind rage.

"I learn from the best! I'm gonna go see what mother's making for dinner. Have fun with your blue money balls."

My father scoffs as I walk away to the kitchen. My mother smiles at me before lighting a match?

       I walk over to her before I notice her eyes are bleeding. "Shuichi... you set the fire. It was all your fault." I only roll my eyes.

"No it wasn't. You lit the fire in attempts to get rid of my father. You couldn't be a house wife, but he forced you too. I always felt bad for you, but you know, you succeeded. You killed your husband, my father." I reply. My mother drops the match and suddenly the whole kitchen is smoking. I smell gasoline! Damn it! The floor must've been covered in it! "Damn it, I knew I smelled gas."

"You're going to suffer the same fate as your father, Shuichi. You need to get out of here before that happens." My mother advises before she disappears. Monokuma forgets that I know this isn't real. I know my parents are already dead, but Kokichi doesn't know any of that shit. For all he knows, I lied about killing his father.

I lie down on the floor and wait for the flames to consume me. It's so hot that I'm drenched in sweat! I swear I'm about to burn myself alive, this just- wait, I can drown myself in the sink, it'll be faster! That's a better idea than burning alive. If there's one thing I learned, it's dying is the way back to reality.

I fill the sink as fast as I can, the flames coming closer. I dunk my head under the water and hold it there. I have to die! I don't hold my breath, and I just let my body fall limp. Water fills my lungs as I slowly lose my pulse. Feeling woozy, I close my eyes and let go.

Before I know it, I wake up on the floor of the gym. I gasp for air as I sit up. I look around and notice Miu, Angie, and myself are the only ones awake. Miu and Angie both look pale. I sigh in relief as they both look over at me.

"My mother strangled me." Miu's voice is raspy and sounds pained.

"I did a ritual with my mother, and she sacrificed me to Atua! What a way to go out!" Angie exclaims, masking her fear. I don't know why, but I'm honestly not scared. Maybe it's because even though my mother and I were close, we weren't that close. It didn't really make that much of a difference, killing me instead of my father. Now, if Kokichi had killed me, I would've lost my shit. I guess Monokuma couldn't bring Kokichi into my house fire trauma.

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