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Shuichi's POV:

I tuck Kokichi into bed before getting on with my day. I take a nice hot shower before dressing in whatever grayish-black clothes the other me had. I start to blow-dry my hair really quickly before trying to comb it. But, I'm interrupted by the doorbell. I groan in annoyance before walking to answer the door.

"Hey, poochie! The abortion's missing, where is he?" Miu's voice booms. She looks seriously worried... let's toy with her!

"And why would I tell you where Kokichi is?" I respond leaning on the doorframe.

"Shuichi, I swear on all that is holy, I will fuck you up if you don't tell me where Kokichi is right this fucking minute." Miu threatens. I chuckle at her, causing her to get even more fed up.

"Fine, he's sleeping. He didn't sleep well last night." I give up the truth, getting bored of the whole ordeal.

"Thank you, that's all I wanted to fucking know! Was that too goddamn hard for you?!" Miu exclaims.

"Shh! Not so loud! I just told you he's sleeping!" I whisper yell at the blond in front of me.

"Wait, he's in here?" Miu asks. I nod and open the door a little more to reveal to her a sleeping Ouma. I see visible relief wash over her. "You two totally fuck-!"

I cover her mouth and push her further out in the hallway before slamming my door shut. I sigh and finish getting ready for the day.

I walk to the dining hall and everyone's still here. "You're late." Maki says coldly. "Sorry, I had a late start this morning." I respond sitting down next to Angie, and across from Gonta. Maki rolls her eyes at me.

"Where's Kokichi?" Kirumi asks.

"He had a bad night, he's asleep. If I find out one of you woke him up, I'll fucking kill you." I respond, half joking. Everyone looks at me, scared for a moment. "Jeez, lighten up! If I killed, then I'd be executed, or Kokichi would be executed. It'd be a lose, lose situation."

"Not if you struck a deal with Monokuma." Maki mutters.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, snapping slightly. Maki is getting on my last nerve.

"Oh come on, Shuichi! Don't fucking lie! We all know you're in cahoots with the mastermind and Monokuma!" Maki exclaims, snapping completely. I laugh at this girl. Who in the hell does she think she is?! Talking to me like I have even half of that power!

"You really are just as stupid, Harukawa... I'll tell you what, I don't know who the mastermind is, but I know the name of the killing game." I respond.

"What is it?" Angie asks, curiously.

"It's Danganronpa, of course!" I exclaim. Maki scoffs before rolling her eyes. "Just shut up... you know what, I'm leaving." Maki says standing up and leaving. "M-Maki-roll, wait!" Kaito exclaims going after her. Wow, he really is like a dog playing fetch! So pathetic. I smile and hold my head in my hand.

"Atua says we should not fight like this! It'll only cause trouble." Angie speaks up. She puts a hand on my back. "Please do not fight, Shuichi. Maki is very cold and scary... even if she's child care- giver."

"Child care-giver?" I repeat in disbelief. I can't remember what Maki wanted to be. She was just a nobody, but I do know that she could never choose something like that. "Sure." I scoff. Angie rubs my back for a second before retracting her hand.

"It's fine, I'll play nice." I say standing up. I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple before tossing it into the air and catching it. I take a bite out of it, and Kirumi walks into the kitchen. "Oh, I could make something for you if you'd like." Kirumi says kindly. I never knew Kirumi that well, but she was always known for being a little lazy and slacking off.

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