ꕥDead Girlsꕥ 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 2

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Okay, my sister's gone officially! I cried more than my mom, but that's okay :)
Also, reminder, I'm waiting on V3 for mobile and I know the least about Kiyo's case, so-

Kokichi's POV:

The next morning, I wake up to Shuichi clinging to me, his head on my stomach, arms around my waist. The morning announcement is supposed to go off any minute now. "Shushu, come on." I whisper, ruffling his hair. He mumbles something before holding onto me tighter.

"Hey, come on, we need to get up now." I slighty push. Shuichi still doesn't lift his head up, he only groans. "Fine, we'll wait for the announcement."

A few minutes go by of me playing with Shuichi's hair. Eventually, the announcement goes off and Shuichi jumps. "Shit, I'm up!" He exclaims, getting up. I chuckle and finally stand up.

"God, you sleep for awhile, Shumai." I giggle, getting ready for the day. Shuichi yawns before stretching.

"Sorry, I just sleep too good with you as my pillow." Shuichi replies. I roll my eyes and smile as Shuichi hops off the bed to get ready.

We finally finish getting ready before heading to the dining hall. Shuichi holds my hand as we walk, slightly swinging it. For some reason, I can't stop thinking about Angie's advice. I know I should tell Shuichi, but I can't. He can't know that I'm not in control anymore because as much as I love Shuichi, I know he'd take advantage of it. I guess I could go talk to Angie again so we can bounce ideas off of each other. I'll find her after breakfast.

"Good morning, everybody!" I exclaim, bursting in the doors with Shuichi. Everyone covers their ears except Shuichi. I know he wants to though. I laugh and walk to my normal spot with Miu, letting go of Shuichi so he can grab breakfast.

"Okay, bitch, I need you to do me a favor." I whisper to Miu as I sit down.

"What do you want, kiss ass?" She asks, taking a bite of food.

"I need you to keep Shuichi away from me for awhile after breakfast while I find Angie, I have some things I have to talk to her about." I explain, looking towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, I can do that, just if you fuckin' kill Angie, make sure you cover your tracks well." She mutters the last part.

"No, no, no! You have the wrong idea, fuck ass! We just had a serious conversation yesterday, and I need to ask her about it today." I reply, shaking my hands.

"Fine, use condoms next time-."

"No! We did not have sex, and she is not pregnant!"

"Who's not pregnant?" Kiibo asks joining us. Miu straightens up, trying to look better for Kiibo. I almost laugh out loud.

"My new invention. It's a machine that gives me every damn tool I need, when I need it. Now you dont have to hand me my fuckin' tools for hours, Kiiboy." Miu explains.

Kiibo nods, before resting his head on his hand. "Kokichi, you like cheese on your scrambled eggs, right?" Tsumugi asks, coming out of the kitchen. I nod in response. "See, I told you, Shirogane!" Shuichi hollers from the kitchen. I laugh and Tsumugi just runs for the kitchen again.

          After Shuichi brings out our two plates of food, he looks around the room. "I made a lot, so there's eggs if anyone wants some, and bread for toast if you want." He offers everyone. Shuichi sets my plate down before sitting next to me.

"Shit! Those look good as fuck, move!" Miu grabs her fork before stabbing into my eggs. I laugh at how fast she went for them.

"I knew you were gonna do that." I chuckle as she shoves them in her mouth.

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