ꕥHow Did I Kill Her?ꕥ

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Kokichi's POV:

The next morning, the morning announcement rings throughout the room. Shuichi isn't in bed, but I hear the shower going. Sighing, I decide to sit up. "Please make your way to the gym for another announcement, as well! Bub-bye kiddos!"

My heart stops at Monokuma's final words. Goddamn it! It's another motive! I rush to get ready, running to the bathroom. "Kichi, wha-." Shuichi starts as I start brushing my teeth as fast as I can. I shake my head and hold up my finger.

When I finish brushing my teeth, I spit in the sink. "Monokuma's got a new motive." I say as I toss my shirt aside. Shuichi instantly looks at me. I wonder what the motive is? Is it going to be like last time where he makes an example out of people? What if it's gonna hurt someone?

"Damn, I didn't know how straight forward you are." Shuichi says as I rush to pull my pants down. I sigh in return.

"Just move over, I didn't shower yesterday." I tell Shuichi, taking off my boxers. Shuichi keeps his eyes trained on my face before shuffling to the right. I step in the shower, Shuichi facing me now. I look really stressed as I wet my hair under the shower head.

"Kichi, calm down, it's okay." Shuichi says, grabbing my hands gently. I look at Shuichi, his hair soaked, and he has a calm expression on his face. "I'll be with you the entire time, no matter what it is."

My breathing hitches as I inhale sharply, here we go again...

"I'll be with you, no matter what. Now go hide." My mother says, kissing my forehead. I nod and run to the kitchen, sitting back in the cabinate.

"Why hello, dear!" My mother exclaims kissing my father as he comes in the front door. My father smiles, tiredly as my mother takes his jacket off like she's just some servant. "How was work?"

"Good, I just couldn't wait to get home to my slutty wife, and fuck up of a kid." My father snaps slightly. My mother nods before looking at the floor.

"I-I understand that you don't love me anymore... it's alright though, I can be gone by morning if you-." My mother's quickly cut off by my father hugging her.

"No, no! Don't ever leave me!" My father exclaims. My mother hugs him back nodding. I guess that's where my manipulation skills come from.

I exhale sharply and again, jolt forward. "Kokichi! Christ, I've been shaking you for two minutes!" Shuichi exclaims shaking my shoulders. "What is going on?!"

"Flashbacks... Ever since that night in the gym, I've been having little visions of back then." I explain, still in a daze from the vision. Shuichi looks at me with a concern expression before moving behind me. He tilts my head back under the water before grabbing the shampoo.

Shuichi gently massages the soapy substance into my scalp. "You need to relax. Anxiety isn't good for you." Shuichi advises, trying to relax me. I exhale calmly, trying to calm down. Shuichi starts to rinse the shampoo out of my hair, gently tilting my head back.

"You don't have to tell me about what you saw, but if you have any questions, please ask." Shuichi says, grabbing the conditioner now. "Did I really kill her?" I ask, more to myself, but also to Shuichi.

"Who, darling?" Shuichi replies, running the conditioner in my hair.

"My mother."

Shuichi stops moving his hands before sighing. "Your mother committed suicide, Kokichi. You had just turned fifteen, that's when you found her body a week after your birthday."

My eyes widen in shock. Did I become too much to handle? She probably killed herself because she needed to get away from him and spare me at the same time. That has to be it, that or-.

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