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Kokichi's POV:

Shuichi picks me up and carries me off to his bedroom. "Ha! What are you doing?!" I giggle as Shuichi puts me over his shoulder. Shuichi chuckles, walking to his room. As soon as we step inside, Shuichi puts me down on the bed. I smile and Shuichi kisses me again. We pull away after a few seconds, and Shuichi lies down next to me, panting slightly.

"So, you love me?" Shuichi asks. I smile and nod. Shuichi smiles before rolling to hug me.

"Then does that mean- wait, Kokichi, do you remember anything?" Shuichi asks, cupping my face.

"No, I'm sorry, Shu. I wish I could remember so that I could know you and myself better." I explain. Shuichi sighs, sadly. He sits up and pulls me with him.

"I'm not giving up, I'll do anything it takes to get you back." Shuichi says. I smile softly and hold his hand.

"I know you're not, but maybe you just have to accept the fact that this is me." I try to reason.

"No, Kichi, I'm not going to settle for that. You're still in there somewhere, and I'm going to find you." Shuichi says, full of determination.

"You can try, Shumai, but the thing is I don't know if I want to remember." I explain.

"What do you mean?" Shuichi asks. I sigh and tilt my head at him.

"How painful was it for me?" I ask, skeptically.

"C'mon, Kokichi, that's not the point-." Shuichi deflects.

"Yes it is. How much pain was I in, Shuichi?" I ask, in a serious tone. Shuichi looks around the room before looking back at me.

"You did just fine after I helped you. I got you away from your parents, your enemies, everything! I got you out of it all, so just come back." Shuichi says, desperate.

"Shuichi, you do realize that we don't even know how to get my memories back." I respond.

"I might have a way, I need to talk to Monokuma." Shuichi says. I smile and cup his cheek.

"Shu, do you want me to be in pain? Do you want me to suffer?" I ask.

"No! No, of course not! I just- I would do anything to get you back." Shuichi replies.

"I understand that you want that, but I don't wanna have that damage..." I mutter.

"You won't! Kokichi, listen to me, if you're in pain, I can help! I can make sure you're okay!" Shuichi pleads.

"Shuichi, no! I don't wanna feel that yet!" I exclaim, frustrated.

"You can, and you will. I won't take no for an answer." Shuichi says, gripping my arm. "I love you too much to let you go."

"Shuichi, no! You can't do this! I don't want to remember!" I exclaim. Shuichi stands up. "I don't care."

Shuichi stands up before walking out the door. The door slams and I grow frustrated.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I exclaim standing up. I walk out of the dorm and walk around in the hallway before wandering to the cafeteria.

"What are you doing here, little bitch?" Maki's cold voice booms as I enter the cafeteria. I cannot stand this bitch! All she does is annoy and insult me. I'm done with her bullshit now.

"I was just walking, don't get all worked up, you knife wielding maniac." I respond. Maki freezes as she just stares at me.

"What did you just say?" Maki asks. I struck a nerve!

"That you're a knife wielding maniac. I'm not wrong, and you know it." I reply, smirking.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." Maki says stepping closer to me, I've gotta hold my ground.

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