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Nobody's POV:

    Kokichi sighs after twenty minutes of laying there shirtless, he decides to get his act together. He slips his shirt on before there's a knock at the door. "Fucking cock blocked." He mutters. There's a loud knock at the door and Kokichi runs to open the door, thinking it's Shuichi. 

"Miu?!" Kokichi exclaims trying to cover his purple neck. 

"Ha! I knew you guys were fuckin'!" Miu exclaims. 

"Shut the hell up! Someone might hear you!" Kokichi responds. "Besides, Maki, the cock blocker showed up."

"Sucks! Anyways, Kirumi is making dinner in the dining hall." Miu says. Kokichi nods before pushing her out of his room. 

"Okay, okay, I'll be there in a little bit." Kokichi closes his door before sighing. He runs his hand through his purple locks before picking up his scarf and tying it around his neck. Kokichi heads down to the dining hall and sits down. This raging erection isn't helping anything, but whatever. I guess this could be worse though. Kokichi thinks to himself.

Kokichi's POV:

    A few days go by of Shuichi following me, or making me follow him. Shuichi usually stalks in a protective and hostile manner. I pretend not to care, but I feel so many mixed emotions towards Shuichi. 

All of us gather in the cafeteria, besides Shuichi once again. "Okay, what the hell do we do? Saihara's marking Ouma like territory." Maki speaks first. 

"Atua says we should not panic... Ouma-kun doesn't appear to be in any danger." Angie says. 

"No, that's not exactly true." Kirumi states. She's right. Shuichi never gets physical, but his words are incredibly harsh. I also guess his way of getting physical is seducing me. "He often manipulates Kokichi." 

"Nah, the virgin's okay for now." Miu says. 

"You know, Kokichi's no virgin, but we'll go with it." Shuichi's voice suddenly booms in the cafeteria. 

"Shushu! Hi~" I say innocently. We had sex?! How long was he here for?! How much did he hear?! All of these questions swarm my head to the point that I don't even notice when Miu grabbed me and pulled me closer to her so that Shuichi could sit down. 

"So, what are we talking about? It's about me, I presume?" Shuichi says. 

"Nah, we were talking about how Miu is such a bitchlet whore!" I say looking at Miu. 

"Short dicked hoe!" Miu retorts. I laugh my signature laugh and Shuichi looks deep into my eyes. 

"Kokichi, was your discussion about me?" Shuichi asks. 

"Nope, like I said, it was about Miu!" I exclaim in a childish tone. 

"Alright, so that answers it. What is it you wanna say about me?" Shuichi asks. I am beyond shocked. Usually nobody can tell when I'm lying. 

"Shu, how did you know I was lying?" I ask seriously for a moment. Am I getting worse? Am I easy to read now? 

"Oh, Kichi~ I know every time you lie! I know you better than you know yourself. Remember that..." Shuichi explains staring at me. 

"Okay, enough, Shuichi." Maki chimes in. 

"Fine, so what is it?" Shuichi asks tilting his hat up. 

"None of your concern, now leave." Maki hisses. Shuichi's glare pierces into Maki's soul, Maki's glare never falters though. Shuichi starts smirking before chuckling darkly. 

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