ꕥA Body Has Been Discoveredꕥ

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Kokichi's POV:

Shuichi let's me borrow a sweatshirt, we decide to call it a night, well Shuichi did. I lie awake, reading a book of Shuichi's, well trying to. I don't know why, but something in me just wanted to try and read. Maybe it's the past me that Shuichi's always talking about? With every kiss, I start to feel more closed off. I feel as if I need someone to rely on! I feel stronger, but weaker at the same time. I feel like a weaker liar, but I feel like a stronger manipulator. It's so complex! I feel like all I wanna do is read a book, or do some science experiment. I really can't tell what this feeling is.

Shuichi has his head resting on my lap, and his arms around my waist. His face is calm and peaceful. Shuichi doesn't look intimidating like this. I silently start to stroke his hair while light snores come from him. His hair is so soft. I set the book down, noticing I didn't even make it past chapter one. I really read less than one chapter for a whole ass hour. I smile and yawn before scooting down further in Shuichi's arms. Instinctively, he wraps his arms around my waist.

I smile and fall asleep in Shuichi's arms...

I wake up the next morning to Shuichi still asleep. It's late! I turn and notice Shuichi's cheeks are red, his eyes are shut tight, and he looks very uncomfortable. I press my lips to his forehead, he's burning up! "Oh damn it." I mutter as I cup his cheek. Shuichi's eyes open, slowly. He frowns in pain.

"Alright, you idiots! I let you sleep later, come to the gym for a special announcement!" Monokuma exclaims coming on the morning announcement. Shuichi winces at the sudden noise before pulling me closer to him.

"Kokichi, it feels amazing." Shuichi whimpers. I have never seen this Shuichi like this. I delicately hold the back of his head. He just completely lied? "I have never felt this good before."

"Okay, um, we need to get to the gym. I'll help you get there." I tell Shuichi, slowly sliding away from him. Shuichi lightly shakes his head. "I feel too great, let's go." He says. I sigh and stand up.

"Come on, Shushu, I'll help." I hold out my hand and help Shuichi stand up. He sways before gripping onto me. "That's it." I help him over to the bathroom. Shuichi closes the door so that it's cracked open a little bit, incase he needs me. I hear running sink water, as I get dressed. I hate forced Shuichi to go out while he's sick like this. I've never seen him grip onto me like he needs help, I've never seen him like that! I'm not complaining, but I'm very worried about him.

I finish getting dressed and Shuichi comes out of the bathroom dressed as well. His face still looks flushed, and he's shivering while stumbling around. I help Shuichi sit back on the bed. "Okay, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, don't move." I tell Shuichi.

"I will." He replies lying back on the bed. I nod and walk into the bathroom. I think that I've caught onto what's happening to Shuichi. He's lying about everything he's feeling and doing.

I finish getting ready and help Shuichi up again. I hold his hand and we walk along the wall so that Shuichi doesn't fall. We walk along the wall until we reach the gym.

"Where the hell is everyone? There's only eight of us." I question looking at everyone. They all look back at myself and Shuichi, who is now leaning against the wall.

"I can answer that!" Monokuma exclaims coming out of nowhere. "Since Shuichi got his memories back, I expected him to kill someone, but that never happened. Anyways, because of the lack of murders, I've started up a new motive!"

All of us groan in annoyance, but Shuichi winces at the suddenness of Monokuma's voice. The only ones in the gym are myself, Shuichi, Angie, Kirumi, Kaito, Tsumugi, Miu, and Kiibo.

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