ꕥLet's Make a Dealꕥ

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Shuichi's POV:

    After Kokichi falls asleep, I slowly crawl out of bed. I replace myself with a pillow, putting it in Kokichi's arm. A faint smile appears on his face as he cuddles up to the pillow. I smile, almost feeling bad about backstabbing him. I mean, as much as I love this Kokichi, he will never be my Kichi. He may look like him, but I want my Kokichi back. I love him, but I made a vow my love that I would retrieve his memories. He wanted to remember me! I mutter an apology to Kokichi as I swiftly leave the room.

My footsteps echo as I make my way through the school, thoroughly looking for Monokuma. When I just pass the library, I hear another pair of footsteps tailing me. I walk a few more steps before stopping.

"I can hear you, you know?" I chuckle. "You're following me, why?" I ask in a threatening tone. I slowly turn around to see Maki Harukawa, knife in hand.

"Wow, Harukawa-san, you really are stupid. Didn't I tell you, stay away." I warn the brunette haired assassin.

"You said stay away from Kokichi. You never said anything about yourself." Maki's tone is that of a hardcore criminal. I mean, I guess that is who she is afterall.

I scoff in response. "Okay, enough. What the fuck do you want, you dumbass assassin?"

Maki shifts before glancing behind me. I glance behind me to check what she was looking at. In the two seconds I had my head shifted, Maki tackles me to the ground.

"You stood in the way! I could've finally killed him. My guilt could've finally disappeared, but when you showed up, and you just had to save him." Maki explains, pinning me onto the floor. I don't even bother struggling. I'm actually interested in her guilt.

"Oh? What does Ms. Harukawa have to be guilty about?" I question, a smirk playing on my lips. Maki presses her blade closer to my neck.

"Since you showed up, I saw us in my dreams. Even if it was just little flashes, I knew they were real memories. I saw Kokichi and myself, I promised I'd kill him. I hate him, but I promised to help him." Maki explains, still keeping the knife on my neck.

"I see why you chose to tell me." I respond, very focused. She must know it's a simulation. That, or she doesn't know, and she's just going based off of her past instincts of helping people.

"Doesn't matter now, once I kill you, I'm going to kill him." Maki threatens, pressing the cold blade against my neck.

"Yeah, sorry, child murder." I pry my hands out from under Maki's knees, bringing them to her hair, yanking it as hard as I can. Maki yelps, and I flip us as that I have her pinned down. I throw her knife, and continue to pull her hair before flipping her on her back. Maki is almost crying at this point, her head is in excruciating pain. "No can do, Kokichi and I wanted to participate. I'm not letting you kill him."

"Like hell, you're not." Maki grunts, struggling against my grip. I try to let her tire herself out and just give up so that we both can leave. Much to my dismay,  Maki's hand gets free, and she punches me in the dick. I quickly fall distracted, and Maki takes advantage. She rolls out from under my knee and it turns into us wrestling on the floor for the knife.

I grab Maki's ankle and pull her back before she can grab the knife. She kicks back, hitting my gut, slightly, but I ignore the pain and continue to wrestle her.

    "What the hell are you two doing?!" Miu's voice booms. Kiibo rushes to her side after hearing the blonde's obnoxiously loud voice.

"Stay out of it." Maki hisses at the two. I sigh and push Maki away from the knife before swiping it. Kiibo slightly pushes Miu behind him, and Maki backs away from me. I chuckle at their pathetic reactions.

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