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Kokichi's POV:

    I wish I didn't have to do this, but what use am I dead? Then Shuichi will really be alone. I miss my Shuichi. That shy detective who had no idea how to interact with humans. His soft smile was everything. I loved listening to him chuckle softly at a conversation he overheard. His vocals were harmony to my ears. Regardless of if his voice is the same, this Shuichi speaks differently. He doesn't talk gently. Every word that tumbles past his lips is confident and stern. He's no longer soft.

Once I've had some time to cry my eyes out, I head to Miu's lab to talk to her about some things. I feel like Miu Iruma is the only person who's not here to win. She's here to invent a way out. She probably can too. Miu's very intelligent.

"What'd you want dickshit?!" Miu yells out to me as she does loud, heavy drilling on a large piece of metal. I just walked into her lab undetected. How the fuck did she know I was here?

"To talk," I reply honestly. I can trust her. Miu stops drilling and takes off her safety gear. Her hour-glass body maneuvers through her lab as she puts away four massive metal plates of some sorts. I'll remember to ask her about that later. She's always busy conjuring up ways to get out of here, just like the rest of us, only she's better help than any of us.

"What's going on?" Miu asks, kicking a stool over to me. I sit down in it as she sits down in a stool of her own. I let out a deep sigh. Miu's leg bounces as I begin to talk.

"Shuichi and I completely split. I told him he makes me susceptible to murder and he's making me a weak link," I explain. Miu nods her head slowly, soaking in the info.

"Gotcha. He's not wrong, y'know? I've noticed, just chosen to keep quiet," Miu replies. I nod my head and look down for a moment before observing her lab. Miu always has so much going on in here. I wonder what goes through her head when she invents things. Is it all muscle memory, or does she have to think the entire time? "Kokichi, are you even listening?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, just lost in thought is all," I reply. Miu scoffs and looks around her lab before her eyes land on mine again. Her bright blue eyes hold sympathy and understanding. Who would've thought, Miu Iruma is compassionate.

"You're not weak, Kokichi. You're so strong, and you don't need anyone to protect you. You're a good man who has priorities, and you abide by them. That's strength, not weakness," Miu explains as she leans closer to me. She spins on her stool, picking up speed as she goes. "Besides, who needs a guy when your best friend is the Ultimate Inventor."

I chuckle at her comment and stand up. "Thank you, Miu, I really do appreciate it. You really helped a lot."

Miu looks up at me as she slows down. "Of course, I'm glad I could help."

    That night was the last time I would ever talk to Miu Iruma. My heart beats out of my chest as I stare at her. Her body hangs from the ceiling, dried blood around her lips, dripping to her chest. Her eyes are wide open in fear and shock like a deer in headlights. My chest is so heavy, tears are stinging my eyes painfully. My throat is closing as every second ticks by. I slump to the floor and just stare. I can't move. I don't want to move. I can't breathe. I don't know what to do.

"Hey, Miu, I have a question about one of my functions, may I come in?" Kiibo's at the door, knocking gently. I bring myself to my feet, scrambling my emotions together.

I slowly open the door and Kiibo looks down at me. "She's dead. Round everyone up," I rip the bandaid off in a monotoned voice.

Kiibo doesn't respond, his eyes just widen. "What?" He questions, pushing past me into her lab. His eyes widen as he bolts back out of the lab. I turn back around and face Miu's body.

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