ꕥDead Girlsꕥ

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I'm sorry for the lack of updating, like I said, my mental state isn't t0o great, and my sister's leaving for college- pretty sad, zero out of ten, wouldn't reccomend :,)

Kokichi's POV:

It's been a couple more days since the motive happened. Monokuma's starting to show the videos one by one tomorrow. I hope to God he doesn't show mine first. If he does, I might actually have to kill myself. I can't keep having people know more about me. I wander the halls of the school before I hear humming from the direction of Angie's lab.

I stop and peak inside to see Angie on a swing painting the wall. The wall is covered in painted works of art. Most of them are vibrant and bright. "Ah! Kokichi, hello!" Angie exclaims, catching a glance of me in the doorway.

"Greetings, paint freak!" I reply, stepping into the room. Angie giggles before lowering the swing out of the air so that she can get down.

"So, what brings you here?" Angie asks, putting away her paint.

"Eh, I'm just here to kill you." I say with a grin. Angie smiles before walking over to me.

"You're a funny one, Kokichi Ouma." Angie compliments. I don't know why, but Angie seems to be one of the only people who will put up with my shit. She just doesn't care, and I guess that's a plus?

"Mm, I would say thank you, but an Ultimate Supreme Leader such as myself could never thank a peasant such as yourself." I respond. Angie once again giggles before walking to a different crate full of paint.

"I'm no peasant! Atua says so." The white haired girl explains.  I chuckle before leaning on the wall. "Anyway, wanna paint on the walls with me?"

"Yeah, sure, why not." I reply, walking to Angie. She drops not one, but two swings. I sit down on one of them, and Angie puts paint utensils in the little baskets on the sides of the swings. Angie sits on her swing before we're suddenly lifted out of the air. I gasp, gripping onto the swing for dear life.

"Atua says, calm down, you won't fall." Angie laughs. I look over at the artist, wide-eyed.

"E-Easy for you to say! You do this shit a hundred times a day, miss artsy bitch!" I exclaim, clinging to the swing. Angie laughs again at me.

"It's an entire seat, Kokichi! Just relax, pick up a paint brush, and paint!" She orders, picking up her own paint brush. She does gentle strokes on the wall to start her painting. I slowly let go, and pick up a paint brush, dipping it in paint. I lean forward gently and start painting on the wall.

"See, Atua says its relaxing." The artist says, smiling. I nod, finding myself smiling too. For the first time since before Kirumi died, I feel safe, calm even. Thank Atua for Angie.

  A few hours go by, and I make a giant blue flower on the wall of Angie's lab. Angie herself ended up drawing a beautiful sunset, right next to my flower. "Oh my Atua! That looks amazing, Kokichi!" Angie squeals, looking at my flower.

"Thanks, I think I didn't do too bad." I reply, chuckling a little bit. Angie smiles before slowly lowering us with a rope. So that's how she gets up and down.

"So, Kokichi, in all seriousness for a moment, how are you?" Angie asks, putting everything away. I look around the messy, artsy lab, nervously biting my nail. Can I really trust Angie with that kind of information? I mean it seems like I can, but I don't want her to slip up. I know Shuichi wouldn't slip up because he knows me. He knows I could never forgive him. He'd lose me. That's the last thing Shuichi wants. Angie seems like she wouldn't tell anyone. Maybe I can trust her just this once.

"Well, not too great, but that's alright." I reply, avoiding her gaze. Angie sighs before sitting down against the wall across from me. She motions for me to sit down against the wall I'm leaned on. As I sit down, I stop biting my nail. "I've been getting visions of my past, and they aren't pretty. I'm not sure why, but I also don't feel in control anymore. That's why I can talk to you like this. I am no longer driving my emotions, or actions."

"Ah, I see. Well, you can trust me with this! It's okay to let your feelings out once in awhile. Does Shuichi know about this?" Angie replies, leaning forward slightly.

"No... I'm not sure if I wanna tell him yet." I explain, running a hand through my hair.

"How come?"

"I don't want him to think I'm going back to the way I was before all this shit, but in reality, that's the truth."

"I know what you mean. You don't have to talk to him if you don't want to. Atua thinks you should wait, and see if you change your mind."

I think about her advice for a moment. The artist tilts her head at me when I dont reply. "I guess you're right. I'll wait it out." I reply, resting my head in my hand. Angie's long white hair falls over her shoulders as she traces shapes on the floor.

"I'm tired too, Kokichi. I'm tired too..." She says with a sad smile on her face. I instantly understand what she means.

"I know." I respond, bringing my knees to my chest. I set my head in my arms, still staring at Angie. How does she do it? I have never seen Angie Yonaga have a one-on-one with anyone here. I hope that she does though; for her sake.

After hours of talking to Angie, Shuichi comes running into Angie's lab. "Holy shit!" Shuichi pants. Angie and myself went back to painting, so we're both on the swings. We're decently high up in the air, so Shuichi hasn't noticed us yet.

"Hey, Shushu!" I exclaim, startling him as he looks up at us.

"God, Kichi! I've been looking for you all day!" Shuichi exclaims. I giggle as Angie lets us down from the swing. Shuichi pulls me into a hug as soon as my feet hit the floor. What's up with him today? I know he's clingy, but he's holding onto me awfully tight.

"Shushu, what's wrong?" I ask, pulling away. Shuichi looks over at Angie, and now I feel more confuseed.

"Angie, can you give us a minute?" Shuichi asks. Angie nods before skipping out of the room. I watch as the door closes, leaving Shuichi and I alone. "What happened?"

"Oh nothing, I just missed you." Shuichi says, kissing my neck. I laugh in response. Shuichi and his attachment issues, man. I've gotta love him for it. Shuichi lifts his head up before pecking my lips. I jump up so that Shuichi's holding me like a toddler.

"You're so clingy, y'know that?" I giggle as Shuichi walks out of the room.

"Yeah, but you love me for it!" Shuichi replies, kissing my cheek. I'm in love with this man.

"Ah, they look so happy!" Angie exclaims, walking back in her lab. She smiles to herself as she puts her paint away for the night.  It's a little bit past dinner, so she figures she'll go back to her room. As angie continues to organize her paint, the lights go out.


Okay, I'm back up and running! She hasn't left yet, but she will soon. Anyways, check out my oneshots as well cause those are pretty cool, dunno :)

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