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Shuichi's POV:

   I love it here so far! I went off without Kokichi for a little while to go and check out the school. It's huge! So many places where a murder could occur! Oh I cannot wait for a trial! God, this is so exciting. I walk until I'm back to the dorm area. I should probably check up on Kichi.

I walk up to his door and turn the knob before opening it. I take one step into the room and Kokichi comes out from the closet ready to stab someone. "Oh, there you are, Kichi! Put that away, you might hurt someone~" I chirp redirecting the knife next to me with my finger.

"Damn it, Shuichi, I could've killed you!" Kokichi exclaims sighing.

"Oh, it'd be an honor to be murdered by you, my dearest Kichi~" I step closer to Kokichi and his cheeks start burning red. "Shushu! Stop!" He exclaims covering his face with his scarf. He's so cute!

"Awe, why stop when you're getting so flustered." I smile and take another step towards Kokichi, and he steps back. "Awe come on, Kokichi, are you blushing?~" I coo. Kokichi shakes his head before we back up onto the bed. I now have Kokichi under me, once again.

"Shuichi!" Kokichi gasps. I smirk down at the small boy beneath me. I've messed with him enough today. "Wanna go to the library?" I ask standing up.

"W-Wait!" Kokichi stutters, sitting up. "Hmm?" I hum tilting my head. Kokichi seems incredibly hot and bothered.

"Never mind, yeah let's go!" Kokichi says, regaining confidence. He grabs my hand and runs with me to the library. I think I'm starting to like this side of Kokichi.

Kokichi swings the doors open to the library. He looks around for a moment before his eyes land on a certain spot. His once excited demeanor fades into a sorrowful one. "Kichi, what is it, love?"

"Nothing, let's sit down, my legs hurt." Kokichi responds trying to hide his sadness. I chuckle before sitting down in a chair. Kokichi goes to sit in the one next to me, but I grab his waist and pull him into my lap.

Kokichi, despite being flustered wraps his arms around my neck. "Shushu?" Kokichi avoids my eyes.

"Yes, love?" I respond looking down at him.

"What was I like?" Kokichi asks, finally looking up to me. I smile at him before kissing his forehead. "You were amazing, not that you're not amazing now. I still love you even if you don't remember me or what you were like."

   Kokichi flushes red before making a pouty face. "How do I know you're not lying?" He asks skeptically. Kokichi's amethyst eyes sparkle with suspicion. I can't believe he doesn't believe me... I guess he still has the same trust issues by instinct.

"Because I can tell you about the day we met. You were being bullied, as per the usual. I was walking down the road and found Kaito, among others, beating you up. I stepped in and- let's just say that if you ever caught a glimpse of the back of Kaito's neck, you may or may not see a scar from a blade." I explain smiling at the memory. "You were in pretty bad shape, so I brought you back to my house. That's when you started clinging onto me, which I never minded one bit. I actually enjoyed protecting you from bullies."

"Me? Bullied? I doubt that." Kokichi responds rolling his eyes.

"Believe it or not, it's true. You tried so hard to be confident! You were usually just overpowered because of your size. You were little, so that made you an easy target. The good thing is that you weren't shy, but you weren't a complete extrovert either. You spent almost all of your time alone before I came along." I finish explaining. Kokichi looks away from me before looking back at me.

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