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I'm not sure how Kirumi's murder was planned, or even how it fully happened! I haven't played V3 yet, but I plan to when it's out on mobile! I've dodged most spoilers except for who dies and who kills who! :)

Shuichi's POV:

Ryoma Hoshi's body remains lifeless on the floor of his lab. I glance back to see Kokichi's grin faltering for a second. He's scared, but only I know that.

Everyone around us has shocked and scared faces. I sigh and crouch next to Ryoma's body. His face is blue, and he looks like he drowned? How would he have been able to drown? I inspect the body a little bit more.

"What do you see, Shuichi?" Kaito asks.

"I don't see anything yet." I mutter is response. "Other than it looks like he was drowned to death."

"Perhaps it was suicide?" Kirumi suggests.

"No, there's signs of struggle, just look in the sink, dumbasses." Kokichi says, gaining everyone's attention. All of us avert our gaze in the direction of where Kokichi's pointing. There's a sink in Ryoma's lab, which is completely full of water. There's only a few puddles of water on the floor. I examine his body one last time to notice that his body is cold. This murder happened a while ago.

"Kokichi's right, there'd be more water out of the sink and there could've been scratch marks if there was a struggle." I explain. Everyone nods in understandance.

"Shushu, look." Kokichi points at a piece of black cloth. I quickly pick it up while everyone else investigates. This has to belong to the killer, if it belonged to Ryoma, then it would be wet! I examine it and notice it feels like silk. I haven't felt everyone's clothes, so it's safe to assume the people who wear black are high suspects. I have an alibi, but I'm not sure about the rest of them. Kirumi, Maki, Himiko, Tsumugi, and Kiyo all have dark enough clothes on for this fabric to match, I just need to get an alibi from them.

"Shu?" Kokichi pokes my shoulder. I glance down at him and he stares at me. "What is it? You were just staring at the wall."

"Oh, I just thought of something, that's all. I need to get alibi's, can you help?" I ask, steering the subject away from my suspect list. I know that Kokichi's fond of Kirumi, and I don't want him to be upset with me for suspecting her.

"Um, okay? You can just tell me the truth, you know?" Kokichi responds. I remain silent. "You can tell me anything, Shushu."

"I'll talk to you about it later, can you please get the alibi of the girls? I'll get the alibi's of the boys." I reply. Kokichi smiles slightly and nods. He skips off to Kirumi first, of course. I really don't want to suspect Kirumi, but this fabric matches her gloves to a science...

Some time goes by, and the Monokuma File was presented. It seems I was correct about the murder time. It was after everyone went to bed. Kokichi and I collect everyone's alibis and we're very surprised.

Kiyo was in his lab just walking around, stumbling everywhere. His disease gave him memory loss, and apparently he was equivalent to a drunk person.

Kaito was with Maki, taking care of her since her symptoms made her upset and made her cry a lot.

Gonta was alone in his dorm, just hating everything. He was throwing things, but Angie got him to stop every-now and them.

Kiibo was with Miu in her lab while they worked on something.

Kokichi explains the girl's alibis to me.

Angie was alternating between Gonta, Himiko, and she also ended up tending to Tenko. All three of them attest to it, although, Himiko and Tenko were alone separately for awhile.

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