Chapter 4. The compound

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The road leading back to the Resistance compound was a small, hidden, and tricky-to-navigate one. It was filled with mud, small stones, and broken branches that had been washed down from the mountaintop by the rain this morning. At some point, it disappeared altogether, swallowed by tall grass.

The bumping and noises from the car engine woke Kye. She didn't know how long she had been out. The last things she remembered were Michael's eyes and the warm sensation his hand had left on her forehead. She slowly sat up with grogginess and a monstrous headache. The oatmeal-colored blanket slipped down, smelling faintly like Michael. Kye sniffled and turned around to look through the back windshield. Three other cars still followed closely behind this one.

She turned back to the road ahead. Defeat and hopelessness flooded in, drowning her. There was nothing outside the car windows but moving trees. Nothing but a fluid color of green.

Two men in the front seats exchanged a look. The driver, who had short, dirty blond hair glanced at Kye through the rearview mirror.

"Sleep well, princess?" His green eyes twinkled, and the crow's feet at their corners deepened.

He was not much older than her and could be considered handsome if Kye was in a mood to admire. She exhaled and wrapped the blanket a little more tightly around her body. Her feet were frozen, and only now, Kye remembered that she had no shoes on.

She looked down at her wrinkled toes for a long minute before lifting her head and meeting the man's eyes. "Are we almost there?" She asked.

"Everything in its own time," the man hummed and turned on the radio.

"5-21. Approaching the main gate. 15 minutes. Out."


"3-60 at main gate. Entering."


"42-60. 45-60 at the main gate. Entering."


"32-16 on Bellow Passage. Approaching the main gate. 25 minutes. Out."


The voices came in nonstop like a story that didn't make much sense to Kye. A broken chant. One by one, it told her about people, locations, and time.

The driver clicked his tongue and picked up the speaker microphone. "6-15 on Eastside. Approaching the main gate. 20 minutes. Out."

His partner in the passenger seat finally closed his small notebook and tucked the short pencil behind his ear. He had been scribbling from the moment Kye woke up.

"Ok, so we're gonna drop her off then get back out with Garth's team later. It's gonna be a long night," he sighed and combed his fingers through his thick shoulder-length brown hair.

The driver only nodded. They drove in silence for the rest of the way. After what felt like centuries, the car slowly approached the foot of the mountain. It went up a gravel road to a huge metal gate with a makeshift security booth on one side. On the other, a group of men was hanging around a maroon-colored truck, all carrying firearms. Two men sat in the truck bed, chatting boisterously, while the rest lifted their heads and waved at the convoy.

The driver slowed down and lowered the window on the passenger side. He nodded and smiled as his partner raised his hand to greet the men outside. They drove through the gate into a large dirt lot with a bunch of cars and trucks parked around. The driver stopped the car. He and his partner got out at the same time, leaving Kye behind. It took her a moment to gather her thoughts and follow them.

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