Chapter 10.2. The phone call

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Bobby had patiently waited for Michael's response after the meeting at the Swan. He had not known what it might be or when it would come, but he had assumed it shouldn't take long based on Michael's reaction that day.

It had been a nice surprise seeing a killing machine 'crack'. Michael had shown some emotions. For a human no less. Kye was definitely a special one. However, not in a million years, Bobby could have expected that.

A string of reports—only a week after the meeting—plastered on every news channel: Businesses and facilities were burnt to the ground; valuable weapons and assets were seized; people were killed and arrested. They all belonged or connected to Alastair at some point. Although no one could confirm if the guy was among hundreds of burnt-beyond-recognition bodies, Bobby didn't think Alastair's survival would make much of a difference.

It took the man years, if not decades, to put things in place, just for them to be destroyed in one night. His old allies scattered, and his opponents, such as Crowley, were both overjoyed and horrified that they would be next. Everyone was walking on eggshells.

That was a strong statement as it could get from Michael the archangel, so what happened next truly baffled Bobby—Absolutely nothing.

As if everything Michael had just done, while facing strong opposition from the Garrisons and Councils—since they believed Alastair was a necessary evil to keep the Resistance in check—didn't show how much he cared. Michael didn't contact Bobby again, not even once. The dust settled, and life moved on.

A month had passed. With no words from Michael, the Resistance had two choices: Keep Kye and help her settle in the camp, or let her go.

Bobby then informed Kye about the situation and asked her what she decided.

"I called home." Kye hunched forward to pick her fingernails. "They knew both Ruby and I were alive... They said I could stay if I wanted."

"So what do you want?"

"It's not like there's a reason for me to rush back..."

By some miracle or error, Kye's family still received the same amount of money every month as if she still worked at the loft. There were also no changes at Nick's school. Someone must have been paying the tuition fee consistently because there was no way her family could afford that. It had been a nice surprise that put Kye on an emotional roller coaster, but it could mean nothing.

He wouldn't do that, especially now, in the middle of a shitstorm, would he? Especially after what she had done. But if it was not him, then who?

At least, for as long as the free ride lasted, Kye could continue staying at the camp to take care of Ruby, so she was grateful. Her family didn't know about the state of her sister. She didn't intend to let them. It would just break their mom's heart when there was nothing the poor woman could do from that side.

"Ruby does well someday, but someday..." Kye looked out the window and shook her head. She tried her best to hold back the tears. Tears solved nothing.

"I know," Bobby sighed. "Who would have thought she could go off the deep end like that? But again, I should've known... It's one hell of a trigger. She drove like a crazy person that day to catch up with the convoy just to come back empty-handed... Anyone would have lost it." Bobby rubbed his face.

"It's actually gotten worse after, uhm, he attacked Alastair...." Kye turned back to Bobby, "So the angels were found, you said?"

"Yes, in one of the warehouses on the edge of the city. They were all badly injured, but, at least, they survived. For now. Michael... " Bobby paused for a second. "Ordered them to be taken to the nearest Garrison."

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