Chapter 21. A new world

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The wooden bench is situated on the hill as ever, right in the shade of a giant magnolia. The tree has been here for God knows how long, thriving with multiple big-sized white flowers and healthy branches.

It is spring or it must be. Blooming wildflowers attract all kinds of creatures. Butterflies, bees, hummingbirds...all fly around, celebrating life. The curving river not too far down is as clear as crystal, reflecting the blue sky with some fluffy white clouds in it

The man sits in silence, watching the bustling lives around him, his mind is full of wonder.

Who is he? Why is he sitting here? Is he waiting for something or someone?

He feels this deep longing and impatience in his heart, wanting more, but he doesn't know what or whom. He just stays here getting lost. Nothing to do and nowhere to go.

It is beautiful and warm. This must be how a mother's womb feels like. How does he know what it feels like? He doesn't know.

His head hurts so he stops thinking after a while. This is better, no need to think.

But isn't someone talking to him? Calling him? Who is this person? Does he know him, or her? He feels like he does, but he is not sure. The voice is just comforting, so he sits here day by day under this tree and waits for it.

Today, as usual, he waits here. He sits on the bench, waiting for a long time, but nothing happens.

Where is that person? Why is he or she not talking to him?

He is getting impatient and upset, but the voice is not here. No one talks, no matter what he does or how long he waits. There is just silence.

Then he realizes.

This beautiful, calm world that he is in, never has a sound.


Kye hangs up the phone and looks out the glass windows. The city is being rebuilt every day. Its center is still a pile of rubble, but life has started creeping back. Eastwick, as well as other poor neighborhoods, will completely transform. New houses will replace the container apartments where Kye grew up and the best part? People who used to live there such as her family won't have to pay a thing.

Kye needs to find her mom and Nick. She has been trying for the past four months or so. Ruby and Gadreel help, but finding two people in a sea of thousands of displaced souls is never easy. The identification system became useless when Raphael stuffed everyone in concentration camps like cattle. There are many missing pieces and discrepancies. Many people simply disappeared. Lost in transition.

The horrendous conditions of these camps worry Kye the most. Michael cured her mom's asthma, but the poor woman's health was never the same after Kye's dad died. A concentration camp filled with sickness, no clean water, and no food in the middle of the winter is as good as a death sentence for someone like Kye's mom. Nick would be no better. With an explosive temper and a not-taking-anyone's-shit attitude, the boy would get in so much trouble. Humans are one thing, Nick could easily fend for himself, but angels are a different story.

Kye doesn't want to imagine the hardship her family faces. With the number of people shuffling through the camps, it may take at least the rest of this year to find them.

Kye has called the temporary processing center every day, sometimes twice or thrice a day, in the hope of some leads. She also drives down to the camps every single day, but like a needle in a haystack, her mom and Nick are nowhere to be found.

Lately, the city has transferred all calls from families of missing people to an automatic answering system, so Kye hits a dead end there. She only knows that whoever is alive is likely to stay in or near the camps due to the city being quite hellish. Naomi set up many shelters there so that's where Kye goes.

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