Chapter 10.3. In the shed

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Eight months have come and gone. Bobby is wrong, dead wrong, once again. It's still a stalemate between the Resistance—or himself— and Michael, but at least the camps are safe. For now.

The three angels, on the other hand, are still not home.


After the exciting phone call with Michael, Bobby asked Kye for help. He trusted the girl to do the right thing.

Kye's first reaction was to defend Michael. She believed he had changed and would not harm civilians without justified cause, but what happened with Alastair put a lot of doubts in her mind.

Alastair was far from innocent, everyone knew that, but what Michael had done was excessive. Excessive and very him.

Kye knew, at his core, that Michael was the same being who had led the Host down to destroy her world and caused her kind so much pain. The inclination for destruction had never left him. It just slept dormant, waiting to be woken. It was hard for anyone to change, Kye supposed, but especially Michael. Without a constant reminder, the archangel would go right back to the way he was before.

Maybe even worse.

After everything that had happened, Kye was not sure she knew Michael as well as she would like to think anymore.

His blue eyes were the last memory Kye had of him—She had completely forgotten how cold and eerie they could be until Michael looked down at her in the rain. That image had haunted her dreams ever since.

Michael was not the forgiving type. Whatever he did to Alastair proved just that. Alastair was stupid enough to launch an attack on Michael, so the man had to pay the price. A thousand folds. It served as a warning to whoever had the same idea. It was never about her. Bobby just misunderstood.

Kye didn't see the point of wearing the amulet that Bobby had personally made her. The camps had stood strong for almost two decades right under the angels' noses. Their warding system was no joke. Most people Kye had come across here still wore some sort of talisman or amulet, but it came from a place of ignorance. A placebo for their peace of mind. They didn't know that the angels who took refuge at the camps had engraved Enochian symbols on almost everything—buildings, vehicles, weapons, and personal items to prevent anything with grace from going in or out undetected. Only friendly angels. Their hard work, however, went unrecognized because their very existence at the camps was a big secret to most.

Kye also thought about how she must be the furthest thing to Michael's mind. He had always been busy. There was hardly time and space for anything when they were together. Now, why would he waste a second thinking about her, an ex-companion who had betrayed him?

It had been eight months. Michael would have long found her replacement. If, by any chance, he had not done so, Zaaphiel would make sure of that.

Michael deserved only the best.

He would have sent for her if that was what he wanted. The archangel had already shown Kye mercy by not killing her, and that was the most he would do for the sake of whatever they used to share. Kye had come to accept that. It was the end of their story.


"You only need this Beretta. Don't worry about the ARs or other big guns, but I will still show you how to work with them next time." Sam wipes his hands on a small towel and looks up with a smile.

A long, quiet moment follows when neither speaks. The duo sat in each other's presence, fully aware of the tangible unspoken things.

Sometimes, Kye wonders what runs through Sam's mind when he looks at her like that, but then it is not so hard to guess after all. She is not dense, but she can't break the line. Kye is not in a good position to accept anything more than friendship from Sam or anyone. Eight months are not short, but it is not long either. Kye can't forget about someone who used to be her everything. The guilt of what she did to that person crushes her under its weight. She may never be ready for Sam because she doesn't deserve what he offers.

Kye resorts to the same thing she always does: She checks her watch and slaps her knees. "Well, I'll hold you to your promise. Now, I have to run back to my cabin real quick before going to the kitchen. I'll see you there later!"

Sam frowns. Every time he feels that he is one step closer, Kye pulls away. Sam knows he should not get attached to her because of everything: Who she is; Who she gets involved with; Ruby would likely kill him if she finds out. Dean wouldn't be so supportive either. It is too complicated even without his feelings added to the equation.

Bobby has warned Sam many times, but he just can't help it.

The Winchesters are chick magnets everywhere they go. It's quite unusual for Sam to go this long without a new girl on his arm. His older brother has already questioned his behavior, but Sam just gives Dean all kinds of excuses.

Dean is not stupid, however. Eventually, he will know, but Sam doesn't plan on pouring his heart out just yet. He knows Dean will lose his damn mind. His brother never likes Kye because of her past relationship with Michael, but it isn't her fault. Sam always defends Kye but it's never enough. It can be impossible to change Dean's mind once it sets.

"Kye, hold on!" Sam rushes to stop the girl, but he doesn't know what else he can say to her. He looks into the pair of innocent brown eyes that he loves and hates the most and stammers, "I...Uhm...Stay! Just don't go, please."

Sam looks down at the callouses in his hand. The last word seeps out like an exhale. He feels his face burning up while his heart hammers in his rib cage. Sam finally looks up and hesitantly puts his right hand on Kye's face.

He plays with a few loose strands of her hair before tucking them behind her ears. The afternoon air is warm and thick. It encased them, almost suffocating. Everything stands still besides the occasional rustles of late summer breezes.

Kye always feels safe and secure around Sam. He cares for her the way a friend or a brother would, and she appreciates that, but in this moment, her body is tense like a bowstring. Something irreversible is about to happen.

Sam lifts her chin as gently as he can, trying to catch her eyes. Kye looks like a trapped animal, and it breaks his heart. He wants her to trust him as she always does.

"Don't be scared, Kye. I will never hurt you," he whispers then covers her lips with his.

Sam coaxes them to open slightly before fully wrapping his arms around her. The two move backward blindly until they hit the table with all the cleaning tools. Sam picks Kye up on it, as easy as it can be. She is so small and light, and she doesn't protest. It is a nice surprise, but Sam takes whatever she throws him. He smiles on her lips and presses his body on Kye, running his hands on every inch of her skin that he can touch, but it doesn't feel enough.

Kye is lost. The amazing feeling of being embraced and desperately needed, physically and emotionally, takes her higher and higher. She feels alive once again. It is so good that she could cry, but at the back of her head, a small voice keeps stabbing at her. This is not right. You need to stop. Now.

Kye gathers all her willpower to push Sam away. Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes are hazy from the heat of the moment, but her voice is crystal clear.

"No, Sam... I'm sorry."

Kye jumps down from the table and avoids Sam's eyes as best as she can. The pain in them could kill. She runs out the door and almost knocks Dean off his feet.

"What the hell, man?" Dean yelled at her. "Look where you're going!"

He watches Kye, now several cabins away, in bafflement before walking into the shed while still rubbing his chest. "Can you believe this chick, Sam? Running like she got fire on her ass. Where the hell is she running to... Hey, what have you guys been doing here? Sam? Hello?"

Dean realizes his brother hasn't reacted to anything he has just said. Sam doesn't even look at him. He just stares at the wall as if it has killed someone he knows before punching it with all his might. A hole the size of a grapefruit appears on the previously pristine surface.

Dean jumps at Sam's outburst. "Sammy! What the hell, man?"

Sam doesn't even look at his bleeding knuckles. He just storms out of the shed.

"Sam? Sammy? What's the matter with you? What is going on with everyone today?" Dean cries in confusion and chases after his brother.

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