Chapter 15. Under the sea

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Around the volcano, water has been boiling for hours

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Around the volcano, water has been boiling for hours. Sand and rocks shake violently with the giant's awakening. Subtle rumbles can be heard from hundreds of miles away, both under and above. They get louder and louder with each minute until the eruption happens.

A giant collum of boiled water and volcanic materials shoots up almost a mile high from the opening into the ocean before spreading around. Out of the murky cloud, a sizzling ball of magma floats up to the surface. It then explodes into millions of smaller pieces.

Among the floating debris was an unconscious, naked man. The waves carry him for three days and nights before his blue eyes finally blink open.

He doesn't know where or when he is, but, for certain, something important is waiting for him.

He doesn't have any other destination besides Home. Something must have reset his "program," and the feeling at the back of his mind is strong. It bothers him.

He stands up. Under his feet, cool salt water gently moves about, warping his reflection. He looks to the sky. Home, it is.


Michael's feet land on the cold floor, wet from the seawater. It is not a floor, so to speak. Where he stands is also not a room. There is no ceiling or walls, only boundless space.

Michael looks around and tilts his head to a weird angle before opening his mouth wide.

Like a projectile vomit of energy, light and heat pour out of him, shaking the whole place. The Host—whoever remained—rush in. They stand side by side, wearing the same confused expression on their multiple faces, murmuring to each other in Enochian.

Standing before them is an enormous creature with a brilliant golden shell covering its entire form. Its six wings spread out, slightly curved behind the creature's back. They vibrate with power and blazing halo. The creature's five massive, identical heads, which carry human and bird features, scan the mass of angels and nod.

The angels all bow their heads in return. One angel with salamander green wings and a set of bulky, ox-like four legs comes forward.

You're here, brother. It says.

Yes, I am, Tadhiel. Where else am I supposed to be?

The other angels drill into Tadhiel's back with anticipation. They want it to be the messenger.

What happened to you, brother? Tadhiel looks up at the creature in front of it, searching for something. Tadhiel is uncertain. It hopes Brother won't punish it.

We all felt it... Tadhiel says. The explosion of power. Your power. We thought we lost you when we couldn't feel you anymore. We still can't really feel you now. Everything seems...different.

I'm fine, the giant creature says. I will give you all an answer soon.

Michael can't look his siblings in the eye. His memory is blank in some spots as if someone deliberately wiped it clean. He makes eye contact with each angel and communicates with them through their mental links. Go back to your posts. I will call for you when the time is right.

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