Chapter 11. A late summer night

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Notes: Sexual Content

Kye is pinned to the truck. She looks up at the large shadow in front of her. Its eyes, which resembled two blue flames, have haunted her dream for months. They glow beautifully in the dark before dimming. Kye can't see the shade that she has missed so much, but under the bright moonlight, Michael's features are visible and even more striking in black and white.

The sparkles of his eyes speak louder than any word. Anger, sorrow, worry... all wrapped up together, making her speechless. Kye never knows the archangel can show that many emotions through his eyes. Maybe she does and has forced herself to forget.


Her voice sounds foreign as if it comes from someone else. Saying his name out loud for the first time after months apart sends a shockwave through her spine. Kye doesn't know if it's good or painful.

"What did you say? Just now." Michael tilts his head.

"I didn't..."

"Not say." The archangel closes his eyes, searching for the right word. "What did you think? Repeat it."

"I don't remember." Kye drops her eyes to the ground. His intense gaze made her want to cry.

"Stop lying. I've heard everything, and now you don't have the courage to say it again, Kye?"

His tone is as cold as ice, and then it changes. The way Michael says her name in the end, like an alluring taunt, makes Kye unsure if she wants to kiss or slap him. Either way, she dreams of making it hurt despite knowing how physically impossible that is.

Kye closes her eyes instead, hoping her conflicting emotions will quiet down, but it is no good. Michael's presence is overwhelming. His scent is as clean and crisp as a snowy morning, filling her every cell. At the same time, the heat emitting from his body is almost unbearable. Michael's breaths constantly brush her cheeks in slow and steady motions. In combination with being so close to his grace and how emotional she is, goosebumps spread uncontrollably all over her skin.

The hardest thing to ignore is the air around them. It seems to warp and crackle with power. Either the archangel has done something to charge up his grace during the time they were apart, or his mood is very unstable at the moment.

Everything Kye has remembered and imagined about Michael is magnified by a thousandfold. She is afraid that she can't keep up the calm front much longer.

"Open your eyes and look at me, or I will pry them open. You know I will." Michael's hand on her neck was barely a phantom.

Kye used to find his touch comforting, but now it just burns like fire. She presses herself a little harder against the truck, hoping to create some distance with Michael, but as she moves, so does he. Her back felt like it could break. Kye frowns at the increasing discomfort and slowly opens her eyes. It takes a few minutes of mentally preparing before she can look the archangel in the eyes again.

"Let me go." She tries to keep her demands steady.

"Not until you repeat what you thought."

Michael's voice is monotonous, but Kye can detect a subtle playful note. It reminds her of before. He is a cat, and she is his half-dead meal. Kye is frustrated at her helplessness, but at the same time, the heat building up in her lower stomach makes her slowly lose focus.

How close Michael is, his touch, his voice—everything about him pulls her like a powerful magnet, and no matter how hard she tries, Kye can't break free. Not that she really wants to. It has been too long, but it feels like yesterday.

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