Chapter 12.1. Little daunting thing

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The phone was on the floor across the room. A state of sheer rage that he had rarely experienced before took over his every thought. How dare this puny human threaten him like that? To take away somethingsomeonehe loved and cherished?


His love.

A simple thing, yet so daunting, so hard to hold onto, even when he was the one who held both Heaven and Earth in his hands, at least until Father came back.

What was the surprise, really? He knew it would be his weakness a while ago.

He was going to explain the situation, but was he given a chance? No. Did he owe it to them? Of course not. He didn't owe them anything.

His vessel's heart raced like a wild horse, and blood wanted to bust through his veins. His hands were tied. Killing those humans would feel good right then, but what about after that? What did it achieve? What could he even say to her? She would not forgive him. He couldn't change what he did in the past, but he had promised her not to harm or kill a human being without just cause ever again. He would honor that promise.

This was just a temporary situation, no need to lose his composure over a taunt. Humans liked to play mind games, he knew that. He had to be better than them.

He looked down at the messy desk. Large puddles of black ink, pens, and papers scattered all over the pristine marbled surface. Some documents were crumpled up into balls. They could be important, who knew?

He exhaled sharply and slumped into the chair. He needed to do something, anything, to take his mind away from this dark place before he burned this whole building down.


It was an open area. His hasty landing had destroyed several trees and small plants, leaving behind a large ring of scorched ground. Whooshing winds blew his tie and hair in all directions. He squeezed his eyes in the glaring sun and braced himself forward.

The grey electric fence was right ahead. He could see the camp from where he stood. The trail of dead grass under his feet led straight to the western side of it.

At some random times of the month, the wardings got a little weaker than usual and the connection opened for a short period. He had been taking advantage of that.

The longing was so unbearable sometimes and fragments of her voice and laughter got through all the statics to ring like a bell in his mind. She pulled him here today as usual and he gladly obliged.

Just a few more days until he found the bastard and made sure things were safe. "Just a few more days" was what he had been telling himself to get through the days and nights without her. "Just a few more days" had turned into weeks, then months before he knew it.

What if she would eventually forget about him? Or worse, thought he had forgotten about her and let her hope die already? What would he do?

The human mind was fickle, there was no secret about it. Didn't matter how many promises were made or how good things had been before. How he wished they had said goodbye on better terms and he had taken the time to tell her how he really felt, how everything was not what it seemed, and asked her to be patient, but anger, disappointment, and feeling of betrayal were all he felt at the time. They clouded his eyes, forbidding him from doing that. Then it became too late.

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