Chapter 19. Yellow flower

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Warning: Suicidal trigger.

On top of a hill, two men are sitting next to each other in complete silence. There is a mutual understanding between them, none says a word, but they seem to be in a deep conversation.

The winds blow the younger man's dark hair in all directions but he doesn't notice. He sits with an obedient expression across his face, looking straight at the vast grassland and clear sky in front of him.

The older man watches his son thoughtfully, then puts one hand on the younger man's shoulder.

Do you understand now?

I think I do, Father, but I'm not sure that is what you want me to understand.

Michael sounds hesitant, looking at his Father. All of his existence, he seeks love and approval from the One who is sitting next to him. Right now, he feels like a child way out of his depth again.

Doesn't matter, God looks him in the eyes and Michael feels an instant boost of power shot through his whole body. I, no, we all need you to make the right decision, but it only works if it truly comes from your heart, son.

But I don't know what I want or should do...Can you stay, Father? I need you. We need you.

I have never left.

God stands up and lets His eyes roam free to the land ahead. This is not the first and only world He has created, but somehow it feels special. He loves the children here, a little unfairly calling them His favorite, but they still have much to learn.

Listen, Michael. Really listen and follow.

He taps on Michael's chest and reaches into the pocket to pull out a small, delicate yellow flower. He puts it on the bench and winks. Mischief sparks His beautiful blue eyes and in a blink, He is gone, as unexpected as when He appeared.

Michael sighs and touches the lonely flower.


He twirls it in his hand. There is a lot for him to think about.


The blazing sun heats the air from above like a giant broiler. Everything stands still in the middle of the day. The cicadas are the only active creatures, but after weeks of no rain, even their songs start to lose their energy.

Kye wipes the sweat under her chin and continues pushing a heavy wheelbarrow full of dirt through the lanes of tomatoes. They look withered and she worries that they may not last. The plants are as simple as her. Food, water, a little TLC and they grow, but also just like her, life seems to slowly leave them.

It has been another 8 months. 8 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days to be exact since they officially announced Michael's death. She doesn't want to believe their "proofs", but every day listening to the same thing grates on her mind.

Part of her knows it is possible that he is dead. She has seen angels die before. That's why he didn't come when he promised. She just never imagined he would be gone like that.

Kye has thought about it. She wants to find him, but she doesn't know where to look. What if, and that is a big if, she can go to Heaven, and Michael is not there, what would she do then? She doesn't know where the angels go when they die, much less someone like Michael. Did he just vanish into nothing, or back to his mold to be remade?

She can't do that to her family either. They would be devastated. They have already lost so much. She made a promise a while ago after Michael gave her the option to be immortal. She will take care of her family for as long as it takes. Even when the archangel is not here anymore, she still has the same responsibility.

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