Chapter 2. Fig

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Both women jumped at the sound. Ruby pulled a handgun from under the table and edged toward the door to look through the peephole. Seeing the person on the other side, she sighed and switched the gun safety back on before pushing it down the back of her jeans' waistband.

Ruby opened the door for a chubby guy with a long, fluffy mane of curly ginger hair. He wore a black corduroy sports jacket with matching pants and a Kiss band T-shirt under. The guy carried a large black leather bag that house-call doctors used. He looked out of breath. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, the guy walked toward Kye and Michael.

"What's the deal, Ruby? Who are these---"

Before Ruby could answer the question, the guy stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes widened a saucer when he recognized who was lying on the table.

"Don't tell me you're stupid enough to take him back to your place!" The chubby guy lowered his voice to a hiss. "Not even any angel, but him! You know better than this!"

Ruby walked over to put both hands on the guy's shoulders and gave them a proper squeeze.

"Look, Fig, don't worry about anything else but fix him. I'll take care of the rest."

"How? Is it before or after you get us all killed?" Fig pointed his sausage index up Ruby's nose. "You know what? Don't say I didn't warn ya... Why the hell it's always my ass that helps you clean up all the messes?"

"Because," Ruby sang, "You love my cute ass, and I love yours too. You know I always got your back."

Ruby soothed him the way someone would soothe a child before slapping his rear and pushing him forward.

"Now get to work! Mama ain't got all night. Chop, chop!"

Fig looked extremely uncomfortable and unwilling. He sighed loudly and cursed under his breath while shuffling through his bag to pull out a series of small glass bottles and medical tools. He set them on the chair, then took off his corduroy jacket and threw it on the mattress. After tightening his hair into a ponytail, Fig gave Michael a once-over and looked at Kye and Ruby.

"Now ladies, I may need your help to hold him down."


The night was long and stressful, with Michael's breath occasionally hitched when Fig dug too deep into his wound, trying to gain access to the archangel's grace under the bloody mess. It soon turned into whimpers and then screams. They had to stuff some cloth into Michael's mouth to keep it quiet and also to prevent him from biting his tongue off. Not that he couldn't fix it eventually.

Ruby and Kye held on to the archangel with their dear lives. He was extremely strong despite his unconscious state.

"Should've remembered to buy some rope!" Ruby yelled.

Kye would laugh if she wasn't also trying her very best not to be thrown to the side by Michael. His muffled screams were deafening. They scratched Kye's every nerve. Every passing minute threatened to push her over the edge.

It's difficult to see Michael in that state. His whole body was covered in sweat while a flow of thick black liquid oozed out from his wounds. Michael was always this strong, untouchable being that it was unimaginable for Kye to see him this vulnerable and damaged. But here he was, fighting for his life.

Fig observed the long silver needle he had just pulled out from Michael's shoulder and hummed with approval.

"Time for the hard part," he said and poured a clear liquid into Michael's wound.

Fig leaned closer to watch it shimmer for a moment before getting absorbed. A strong ozone smell filled up the space, followed by a pulse of energy that everyone in the room could feel.

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