Chapter 10.4. Prayers and Hope

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The sunset casts its magnificent golden hue on the long curvy road wrapping around the mountain. A palette of bold colors-peach and burnt orange, powder pink and plum, with streaks of white clouds splashing across the sky-paints a breathtaking picture.

Endless lush pines waved at a roaring truck, now climbing the altitude. Kye presses her foot on the pedal. She can't see any of nature's beauty outside the windows. Her eyes are fixed ahead, blurred with tears, and her hands grip the wheel so tightly that they turn white.

Either that or they would shake uncontrollably, and Kye would drive off the road.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Kye slams the wheel repeatedly.

The whole situation with Sam drives her nuts, but Kye is angry mainly at herself. She knows she hurt Sam, the only friend she has at the camp, badly, and now she is running away like a coward.

That's very you, Kye.

Kye has tried her best not to lead Sam on, but spending so much time with the guy is not a good idea after all. Maybe she should've not gotten so close to him in the first place. It was all her fault.

Kye knows she should stay and clear things up with Sam. If the friendship truly means that much to her, that's the least she can do. But she didn't. She couldn't.

Kye has been driving for more than an hour, with no specific destination in mind, just so she can be far enough from the camp.

She finally stops in front of a low hill. Giant Douglas firs cover the land, going as far as her eyes can see. Kye parks Ruby's grey truck under one of the trees and closes her eyes. The small amulet digs into her skin under her shirt, chastising Kye for being here. Bobby has done an amazing job with the engraving. Layers of Enochian symbols circling two concentric polygons-a small hexagram and a bigger heptagram-have become somewhat dear to Kye. The old man put a lot of effort into this. To keep her hidden. Kye presses her thumb on the cold metal surface before taking the amulet off and putting it in the glove compartment. She inhales sharply and gets out of the truck.

"I want to talk to you..." Kye breathes shakingly as she whispers.  "I know you may not want to hear from me ever again, but can you... Can you come to see me? Just this once, and I won't bother you again."

She glances around, hoping for any sign of an angelic arrival, but aside from the cosmic fireball hanging low on the horizon, blinding Kye with its glory, there is nothing else.

Kye stubbornly fixes her eyes on it until she feels that she would go blind. A searing headache rolls in after like thunder. Kye sucked her teeth as she watches the sun slowly dip, along with any slither of hope she still has.

Its silver counterpart soon takes over. Kye looks up at the splendor of the universe above. Millions of stars blink, consoling her with their twinkles. Kye inhales the forest scents and listens to the insects.

"Michael!" She calls out again, loudly this time. "I know you can hear me."

Kye waits for half an hour, calling the archangel every now and then like a lost child before getting down on her knees. All her thoughts and emotions direct at Michael.

It used to be their way of communication. Their bond. Much more intimate and stronger than anything this world has to offer. It never failed in the past.

Goosebumps rise on her skin as Kye searches for a now-nonexistent connection. It could be the cold winds, but Kye has a strong feeling that she is not alone.

Kye whips her head back to the dancing shadows of the trees. A curious creature tips its head almost upside down while glaring at Kye.

"Hoo! Hoo!" The bizarre bird flaps its wings annoyingly.

Kye chuckles before busting into a laugh. Her whole face, however, is wet. Must be the dew.

Kye wipes the droplets away. How small and alone she is in the vastness of this dying world. Where is home? Where does she belong to?

The temptation-what almost happened today-has thrown her off. Kye has never known that her heart could contain more guilt and pain, but apparently, it can. She needs to see Michael now, even just for a second. It will make everything alright. She doesn't know exactly what she wants from him. She just needs him.

Kye knows it is stupid and dangerous to seek Michael. She is a mere human. He is not. She doesn't know what he thinks of her-if he thinks of her-and, more importantly, what he would do to her. This is poking a hornet's hive.

Kye has also failed the only task Bobby asked her to do. She knows that if she doesn't come back soon, Sam will eventually search for her-doesn't matter how upset he is. That's just who he is. By the time Sam involves Bobby and his brother, half the camp will know that she is gone. It will be a massive headache and so much explaining to do after.

Kye rubs her forehead in frustration. It has been an impulsive action. Maybe it's time for her to go back. She has calmed down enough, maybe Sam would have too. They can talk like two adults, and she can apologize to him.

Kye looks up at the stars and sighs, "Michael... I guess this is it. I don't know for a fact, but I'm pretty sure you can hear me. Ha, anyway, I'm sorry for what I did. I know you don't want to hear it, but I never meant to hurt you. I know words are cheap, but you must have heard everything from Bobby, so you know... You know why I did that. It was wrong nonetheless and didn't justify what I did, but my sister needed my help, so I helped her. I just couldn't see any other way. That doesn't mean... I guess what I'm saying is I wish things could be different."

Kye scans the surroundings one more time before getting up.

I wish I could see you, Michael... What a fool I am... I hurt you. And now I'm hurt. I deserve it... Wish I could take everything back... I love you... Wish I had it in me back then to say so... Always waited for the perfect moment... How stupid of me...

Kye's thoughts scatter, and her tears fall again as she dusts her jeans. She doesn't care about how disastrous she looks. No one is here to see her anyway.

Kye shuffles to her truck. A sudden rustle halts her movements. Kye's heart jumps to her throat as she bites back a scream. Strong ozone smell and waves of electricity infiltrate her body like a familiar embrace. Kye squints her eyes, trying to see through the whirlwind of dust and dry leaves.

It hasn't rained very often lately in the area, but when it did, Kye always hid in her cabin under layers of blankets. Funny as it sounds, the problem is not that Kye hates rain. Well, she doesn't like it, but the real problem is that everything about this natural phenomenon—from the vibration of thunder, the unexpected powerful strokes of lightning to the smell of clean, cold, moist air—reminded Kye, so much, of the one she lost.

Kye doesn't turn back. There is no need to. Her body, heart, and soul know who is standing behind her.

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