Chapter 6. Heaven and Earth

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Notes: Mild Sexual Content.

Thank you for helping me edit this chapter. I'm so happy with how it is now compared to the mess it was before.

It was a week after the attack, and things had gone back to normal, or almost normal. Kye secretly waited for Ruby's call, but at the same time, she wished she would never receive it at all.

Their lives had taken different directions that seemed irreconcilable at the moment. Of course, Kye wished Ruby would come back home safely someday, but realistically, once people joined the Resistance, they were in for life. A lot died young in their missions. That was a well-known fact.

Kye also knew it was a risk the moment they got back in contact with each other. The angels were not useless, especially when it came to their enemy. Ruby had said she was on their watchlist, so that was something they shouldn't ignore. Kye assumed her sister would be smart enough when or if she decided to contact her, but that didn't mean they should push their luck. Kye would prefer not to get involved at all. She loved Ruby with all her heart, but she still had a life to live and people to take care of.

As selfish as it sounded, that was how she felt.

Things had changed a lot between her and Michael. On the surface, he still gave her the same attention as before, and she fulfilled her duties to their fullest extent. However, since Kye realized Michael's true feelings and intention toward her, although she was happy, it got a little awkward. Kye pulled away, and if Michael realized something was off, he wouldn't say a thing about it. Nor questioned her about that fateful night when they ended up at Ruby's place.

It seemed that he was not curious at all, or more likely, had already gotten all the answers he needed. Kye had come to a conclusion that if Michael wanted to punish her because of Ruby, who was her sister but also a Resistance member—who had helped save his ass—he should go right ahead. There was nothing she could do about it now.

He could've done so already.

Most days, Kye either stayed in her room or, when she absolutely must face Michael, kept the talking and eye contact to a minimum. Michael was not a conversationalist either, besides when he needed to get his points across, so there had been a long silence between them.

At the moment, Kye was sitting by her vanity table and ready to go to bed when her phone rang. It was an unknown number. For some reason, she had felt the need to pick up.

"Hello, who's this?"

"Guess who..." Ruby's sang on the other end.

"Jeez... Took you long enough. What's up?" Kye didn't know why, but she started to whisper. "Are you supposed to be calling like this? I mean, what if they're listening in on us?"

Michael's footsteps pacing back and forth upstairs added to her paranoia. He could zap in at any moment, despite the many times she had told him about personal spaces and boundaries. Some habits never died.

"Relax, it's a disposable phone! I have like twenty of them at all times. With wardings! So, no worries... How you've been, though? How's your feathered boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend." Kye rolled her eyes.

She didn't know exactly what they were, nor did she ever want to label it. Maybe, she didn't dare to. It was inappropriate. But that didn't stop how they felt about each other either. It grew every day, and Kye felt utterly and pleasantly helpless.

"Hm...Ok, if you say so." Ruby didn't seem too convinced.

Kye laughed, "We're both fine. As a matter of fact, he woke up that day right after you left, good as new. Fig really knows what he's doing."

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