Chapter 13. A new day

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Kye has washed the same piece of cloth for almost an hour. Her mind is somewhere else entirely. She stares at her distorted reflection in the water, wondering the same question she has asked herself from the moment she woke up.

What is he doing?

It has been three days since that night she spent with Michael. It has been hard. Somehow, seeing him and then having to say goodbye again, with nothing but his promise, is way harder than not seeing him at all. It is gut-wrenching, and Kye just can't focus on anything.

Ruby has been quiet lately, sleeping twelve hours a day and waking up only for a few spoons of liquid food or medicine times. She gave Kye a dirty look that day when Kye got back to the cabin but didn't say anything. Kye didn't think Ruby even knew that she had been gone all night, but she couldn't be sure.

That night in the forest had been the first time in months that Kye could sleep more than four hours. It felt so good, to be wrapped up in the protective arms of someone she loved, surrounded by his scent and soothing voice.

Even when she didn't speak his language at all, somehow, she could understand it. Enochian was magical. It communicated directly with her heart and soul, like a precise arrow, and wrapped them in tingling, luscious layers. Everything felt so much like a dream that Kye wanted to fall deeper into and never wake up from. She was afraid that when she opened her eyes, Michael would disappear like a cruel, vivid illusion her mind had somehow whipped up.

Wake up. It's time.

But the archangel's voice rang in her dream. Kye smiled with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Please...5 more minutes. Please...Michael, don't go..."


It broke the archangel's heart and elated him at the same time. She needed him, just as much as he needed her. 

"I'm here." He kissed her forehead and watched her eyes slowly blink.

He had been sitting in this same position all night. All he wanted to do was stay and watch over her for eternity. The sight of Kye sleeping in his arms filled Michael with so much joy and peace that in millennia guarding the realms, nothing came remotely close.

Kye was looking at him owlishly as if she had never seen him before. Her eyes were dewy, full of awe and confusion. Then suddenly, she jumped and threw her arms around his neck, squeezing it hard. She would've squeezed the life out of him if Michael actually needed oxygen to survive.

"It's ok, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." He held her head steady next to his while combing through her soft brown hair. Finally, Kye relaxed and loosened her grip around his neck.

"You're right here," she whispered.

"Yes, I am. So are you." 

Michael closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of her hair. It took a monumental amount of willpower not to give in to his heart's desire and teleport back to the city with her in his arms. How hard it is to wait for all of this to be over.

"I don't care about the Resistance," Michael said, "but I think it's time for you to go back. Give Bobby Singer the news. So he can relax and stop locking you up day and night."

"He doesn't lock me up." Kye let go of his neck and laughed. "Bobby is a good man. He just tries to protect everyone. You're intimidating."

"Oh, I'm intimidating?"

"Yes, you are. And he will be happy with the news. They all will be..." Kye smiled while tracing Michael's face. Suddenly, the smile was wiped off her face. "Holy...Sorry, what time is it?"

"7:40 am.'" Michael tilted his head, watching Kye scramble on her knees and hands. 


Kye wrapped the wool blanket around her body and jumped off the truck bed. Her knees wobbled, and she almost kissed the ground. Last night was something. Their clothes were all over the place and covered in dirt. 

Kye picked everything up. "Dress up, handsome." She threw Michael's clothes at him. "Jeez... How long have you been up, and you just leave our clothes on the ground like that?"

"I don't sleep, you know that. I can clean the clothes if you want."

The archangel snapped his finger, and all their clothes were perfectly cleaned and folded into two neat stacks. He didn't seem to notice his naked state.

Kye peeked at him from the corner of her eyes and bit her lower lip, trying to hide a smile. It was distracting. Somehow, the innocent expression fit his gorgeous vessel so perfectly. She was one lucky girl.

Kye dusted her clothes as a habit before putting them on. She felt lighter and renewed, all thanks to Michael. Her eyes were on him as she walked to the driver's door. Michael was looking down at his hands, lost in thought. The morning sun hit him at a perfect angle, making his whole body glow in the golden light.

Must have felt her gaze on him, the archangel lifted his head and smiled. His smile was faint, not enough to warm up the cold exterior, but to Kye, it was always the most beautiful sight in the whole world.

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