PLEASE READ!! (announcement!!)

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Dear Only Angel Readers, 

Hey everyone! It's been a while! I know I announced this a while ago, but I just wanted to clarify the revisions!! 

But first, I want to thank you all with all the love I can give for reading this series!! It was my first one, and to be quite honest I'm not ready to let it go, which is why I'm doing these revisions... and then some :)

We hit 1k reads on this baby and I'm still in shock, I can't thank you guys enough!! It means so much to me and I am just so glad you all chose to read it! 

Now onto the main reason I'm here:

Every time I revisit Only Angel, the only thing I think about is "how can I make this better?" because there are just so many flaws in it, being that it was the first thing that I've ever written. So, I decided to edit it, change it around, and make it fit how I truly want it to look. Back when I started writing I thought taking risks was a bad thing, but I was incredibly naive. Taking risks is part of it, so to any other writers out there, please don't be afraid to take risks, because it is so worth it, trust me!!

This new project will be called The Only Angel Series: Revised. It will have all three books under one project. One day I'll take down the original, but I still want to give those who haven't seen it a chance to read it! And it won't be taken down permanently! It will just be private or something! (still have to figure that out though lol)

I will be changing some scenes, but the plot will stay the same. I will warn you that the ending is going to change a lot, but that's because it always felt so rushed and I just hate the way I did it. I don't want to give too much away, but there will be something very substantial taken out of the ending that I feel like will make a lot of people happy, mainly because it was so freaking rushed. That's all I'm can say about that, though :)

When I decided to take on this project again, I didn't want to just edit and rearrange. So, that's where this next part comes in. I will be adding brand new chapters in multiple points of views, as well as rewriting old chapters in different povs, so that we get a deeper insight into Harry and Eve, along with their friends and family. I wanted not only make this a better read, but also just to dive back into the story, the characters, and the memories I had while writing this series. I know at some point this whole experience will be over, but for now I feel like I have more to offer. 

All of this won't be out for a while, as I am still very much in the beginning stages of this long process. So sit back, re-read the original Only Angel Series/ A Journalist and A Singer/ When Love Makes Us Blind (on ao3, but coming to wattpad shortly!), and I will release it to you as soon as I can. 

You all are amazing, and I can't wait for you to read it. So much love!

- Ava :)

p.s. I only just realized I typed this under the first book, so I hope this doesn't cause any confusions!!

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