Chapter 15

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I'm honestly so scared for you guys to read this one, but it's the moment you've all been waiting for...

Eve's POV:

We get off the plane and head straight to the hospital. During the whole flight he held my hand or reassured me in some way. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I run into Alice's hospital room and see her laying there, scratched up and bruised.

"Hey sis. How are you holding up?" I ask quietly as I move to her bedside. "I'm just peachy!" she laughs, then holds her side in pain. She looks behind me and her eyes widen. I turn around to see Harry standing in the doorway.

 "Harry, this is my sister Alice. Alice, well, you know who Harry is." I say smiling. "Omg. I saw the news but didn't believe it!" she says as he waves to her. "He's really cute, you should go for it." she whispers to me. My cheeks turn red hoping he didn't hear her, even though I'm sure he did. 

"Hey where are mom and dad? Alice.... Alice?!" Alice starts seizing. Her skin turns pail, her eyes roll back, she starts shaking uncontrollably. A team of doctors and nurses flood into the room. I try to stay by her side but Harry pulls me back.

"No- Harry let me back in there, she needs me! She needs her sister!" I say trying to break free from his arms. Tears start to escape my eyes. He pulls me into a tight hug, making me cry even more. I see my parents in the waiting room and break out of the hug to go see them. Harry follows closely behind me.

A few minutes later the doctors come out of her room. "How is she?" my parents ask in at the same time. "She's stable for now. It could go either way." says the nurse. I hang my head low, tears dripping on the tile floor. "Oh Harry!" I smile at Harry, hearing Alice's voice coming from her room. "Go on in there, I'll be in there in a second." I tell him, wiping my mascara under my eyes. He walks in, and leaves me alone with my parents.

"She'll be okay, Evangeline. She's tough." my mom tells me, rubbing my arm. I nod, knowing she's right. Alice has had health issues in the past, and that makes this all the more scary. "She's gone through so much, this isn't fair." I tell them. "No it's not, but I have faith that she's going to recover." my dad says. I nod, hoping they're right.

I walk towards the doorway of Alice's room, stopping before I'm seen. I hear her telling something to Harry. "I'm telling you. She's not going to say no. She talks about you all the time!". My cheeks turn red, knowing it's true. "I know my sister, and I feel like you do, too. She's ready. Are you?" she asks him. I walk in the room before he can answer, scared as to what he's going to say.

I have butterflies in my stomach. What was he going to say? Was he going to say yes? Does he actually like me? I look up and see them both looking back at me, like deer in headlights. "Hey how are you feeling?" I ask Alice, ignoring what I just heard. "I'm okay, just talking to Harry." She looks over to him and they both share a smile, the kind that protects a secret. Harry gets up from his chair. "I'm going to go get a coffee, you want one?" he asks me. "Yeah, that sounds good." I respond.

He walks out of the room and I take his seat. I stare at Alice until she cracks. "So I'm guessing you heard..." she says quietly. "Not the whole thing." I tell her. "But enough. Alice, he doesn't even like me!" I tell her, not mentioning the moment at the piano at his mom's place. 

"You and I both know you're wrong. He told me about the song. The piano. The kiss that almost was. If he had it his way he would kiss you right in this hospital." she tells me, making it feel like butterflies are trying to escape my body.

"Look, I know my odds are 50/50." she starts to tell me. "Alice, don't say that. You're going to recover." I tell her sympathetically. "Maybe not, but either way, I want to see my sister happy." I get tears in my eyes. I know she's right. I owe this to her.

Harry walks in with coffee in both hands. I look at him and the past week has flashed before my eyes. Him walking into my record shop. Us both playing at the piano, singing Two Ghosts. The studio sessions. Hanging out at his house. Coffee trips. Going for ice cream. Hiding from paparazzi. The trip. His song. Everything. It all led up to this moment.

"Come with me." I tell Harry, setting down our coffees. I start to lead him out of the room. "Angel!" Alice yells, calling my nickname. She gives me a nod and a smile. This is right. This is good. I lead him all the way outside of the hospital, the sun setting in the background. I turn towards him and stare. Those freaking eyes.

"You wrote me a song." I say, telling him something he already knows. His cheeks turn red. "I did. And I'm so sorry if I made you feel weir-" he stops mid sentence. "Evangeline Williams, why are you staring at me?" You idiot.

"Because Harry Styles. You're the only person in the world who has cared about me so much that they wrote a song about it. You're the only person in the world who would drop absolutely everything to come home with me after finding out about my sister. You're the only person in the world who would bring me to Holmes Chapel! Because you're the only person I want." I say softly. "I've been obsessing over J so much that I didn't recognize that who I really need is right in front of me." My heart is beating out of my chest. Harry smiles and moves a little closer.

"Evangeline Williams, you're all I think about. I lay wide awake at night wondering how anyone could ever hurt you. I think about our adventures. Our laughs." he says, his smile getting wider. I wrote that song the night we got ice cream. I knew from that moment that I needed you in my life somehow. And not just as a co-writer." he tells me, looking me in the eyes.

I think about what Alice told me. I deserve happiness. I don't want to be just content anymore. I want to have those belly laughs that lead to stomach aches. I want those inside jokes. I want to feel special. I want to be treated like a princess. Like a star.

I let a smile cross my face. "What?" he says, self conscious. "Nothing. I'm finally happy." I tell him. He smiles. "Me too." he says, almost in a whisper. The silence around us is deafening. I'm nervous. I'm scared. I'm excited. I'm ready. I place my hands on his cheeks as the tension builds. I lean in, giving him what we've both been waiting for. We kiss each other, and the tension breaks. Walls fall down. It's me and him. Him and I.

We pull away, both of us with those cheesy smiles on our faces. Then I get confused. "Um, not to ruin this amazing moment, but what does this mean? How do we do this?" I ask, making him laugh. "How about this? Evangeline Williams, will you be my girlfriend? Will you walk with me proudly for the public to see? Will you go on ice cream dates with me? Will you be there to pick me up when I fall apart? Will you let me be there when you do the same? He asks, putting the biggest smile on my face. "Yes. Absolutely yes." I whisper. He gives me another kiss. We're getting a hang of this.

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I hope you liked this chapter! It's been a long time coming haha. Next chapter is being posted on Thursday so be ready! 

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