Chapter 2

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Make sure to read the author's notes at the end so you can see what outfits Eve is wearing!

Eve's POV:

I close up the shop for lunch and head over to the cafe. I go there most days to see Sam. I walk through the door and head straight to the counter. Should I get a sub or stick with my usual salad?  Sam meets me at the counter and takes my order.

"Ooh bold, a salad!" she says sarcastically. I usually get the same thing, seeing as I'm not the type to 'mix it up'.

I get my food, pay, thank Sam, and head out of the cafe, eating lunch on the way back to the shop.

The rest of the day passed by slowly. I only had a few people come in, and only two bought something. Let's just say my place hasn't been so popular lately. I closed up the store and headed home. Traffic was a nightmare, but eventually I made it.

I make my way up to my apartment, unlock my door, and walk in, heading straight to my dog. He's my best friend. Heck, I might just like him better than Sam. He has been with me for six years. He has helped me through everything, the breakup.... everything.

"Roman! How's my main man!" I call out to him as he runs towards me. I wrap my arms around his gold coat, him licking my face in return. "I missed you too bud."

I turn on some music and change into my pajamas. I dig through my fridge to find my leftover Chinese food, then sit on the couch with Roman. I start thinking about him. Why did he leave? Where is he? Is he okay? Was it because of her? Why wasn't I good enough? My eyes start to well up again, just like earlier in the shop. I try to distract myself by watching some TV. Man everything that's on is just crappy reality shows or those weird infomercials. Maybe I should talk to Sam. She needs to hear everything. I need to process everything.

As I reach for my phone I stop myself. I hate being the sad one. I'm the type of person other people rely on, not the other way around. I don't want people to pity me or make me feel like I'm special when I'm really not. I'm just a 24 year old from North Carolina who moved here to follow her dreams in song writing. Unfortunately, that 24 year old from North Carolina is too scared to actually publish anything. What a wimp.

I decide not to call Sam. I don't want to bother her anymore than I have already. I move to my bedroom and stand in the middle of the room. It's only 7:57 pm, and I really don't want to get in bed, because when I get in bed I get sad. I lay down on the floor on my grey, soft rug. Roman comes over and sits on top of me.

"Roman! Get off! You're too big for this!", I say, struggling to get him off of me. He won't budge so I finally give up and start petting his soft, blonde fur. Roman helps me with all of my problems. From moving, to the break up he has always been by my side. Good boy.

Before I know it it's 8:30 and I give up and go to bed. I admit, I am tired. I'm so tired. But I can't sleep not knowing whether or not he's okay. I feel like I am giving up too easily. Even though he hurt me, I still don't want to let him down. I won't.

Right after I got into bed I found myself diving into my bad habits. I read through old text messages, listened to old voicemails, looked through old pictures, and checked all of his old social media. Nothing. I can't find one reason why he would want to leave. We were happy. At least I was.

I look at my alarm clock and see that it is 5 am. Great. I only got two hours of sleep in total, and I don't see myself going back to sleep anytime soon. I walk to the kitchen and pour myself some coffee. It's not as good as Sam's but it will do. I made some oatmeal and sat on my couch thinking about the day ahead. Tuesday. It's already the longest week ever.

I shower, put on a yellow crop top, jeans, and my favorite white converse. I take my hair out of the towel and let it air dry. I put on the slightest amount of makeup because well, I'm not very good at it. I pet Roman and head out the door. Hopefully today is better.

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Hi! I decided to post the first three chapters so that you can sort of get an idea on how this story is gonna go!



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