Chapter 5

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Eve's POV:

Dear Evangeline,

Thank you so much for yesterday. I am so glad I got to witness your talent. As you know, I am currently working on my first album. The team and I would like to have you consult with us on a few songs. Please call or text the number on the back of this envelope to let us know your answer. We hope you choose to work with us. TIA.


I stare at the words on the paper, my hands shaking as I read them. No way no way no freaking way. Harry Styles wrote me a letter. HE WROTE ME A LETTER. I'm not going to lie. I thought the letter would be from someone else. I guess not. I drop the letter on the counter and call Sam. The line rings for a while and then she picks up.

"Hey Eve, what's up?" she asks. "Okay so don't freak out, but I got a freaking letter from Harry Styles asking me to write with him." I say, trying to sound calm. "WHAT! NO WAY!" she yells, making me pull the phone away from my ear. "Eve do you know what this means? You are working with Harry Styles!" she whispers so she doesn't attract attention. "I know I know! I can't believe he offered, but I'm probably going to say no, Sam." I say in full honesty. "Okay honey you are going to pass up this amazing opportunity for what? Eve you deserve this!" she says. "I'll think about it. Promise" I respond. We say goodbye then I finish opening up. Why me? Why did he ask me?

The day goes by so slowly. All I can think about is the letter. I can't even sing in front of Sam, how am I supposed to do it in front of people I don't know? The work day finally ends and I close up the store. I think about the letter the whole ride home. I don't know what to do.

I get home and go to pet Roman, but something catches my eye. I walk over to the side table next to my couch and pick up a picture frame. In the picture is my grandmother and I before she passed. We used to write songs together and talk about everything. She always wanted me to branch out, but that's something I never got the hang of. She would want me to do this.

I grab the letter out of my purse and text the number on the back of the page.

Hi, I'm Evangeline. I would be more than happy to work with you guys. I am free on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I can also close the shop early when needed. Thank you so much!

I throw my phone across the room, cringing at the text I just sent. I'm working with Harry Styles.

No biggie. I hear my phone ding from across the room. Yep huge biggie. I pick my phone up and look at my lock screen, reading the new message.

Hello Evangeline! We are so happy you can join us! Information will be sent tomorrow. We will most likely be starting on Friday. -Jefferey Azoff

I start jumping up and down around my living room, making Roman so confused. I hug him and tell him all about it, but I'm sure all he can think about is when I'm going to feed him next. I respond saying I can't wait and then text Sam, telling her I did it. She of course freaked out but hey that's Sam for you.

Thursday passed by so slowly. I played around some more with the song Harry helped me on. I got together a list of songs that I have written and put them in a binder. Night time came around and the nerves started to settle in. What the heck am I going to wear? What is tomorrow going to be like? Is Harry actually going to be there? Do I eat beforehand? I call Sam and she meets me at my apartment.

"Here, how about this?" she says, pulling out a lavender dress. "Nah, too spring" I respond, putting it back. "Okay picky, how about this? It looks brand new!" she says, pulling out a floral summer dress. "I forgot I had that one." I say, choking on my words. "E what's wrong?" Dang she's good. "It's nothing really. I was supposed to wear that dress on our three year anniversary. We were going to the park and have a picnic and watch the sunset." I say, not making her feel any better. "Really I'm fine. I promise." I say digging through my closet again. I pull out a red dress with white polka dots. "Yes that one all the way! He won't be able to take his eyes off of you!" Sam says, taking the dress out of my hands and putting it on the bed.

"That's not the point of this Sam." I say, laughing at the thought of Harry actually thinking that way about me. "You never know! It might do you some good to get back out there!" she says. "I don't know Sam. It's still really soon." I say as I pull out my birks. "Okay fine, no pressure. Do you have to work tomorrow?" Finally a new topic. "No, but I'm going to stop by the record store anyway so that I can practice and finalize a few lyrics." I respond.

Sam and I finish putting together an outfit, say our goodbyes, and then she heads home, leaving me and my nerves alone. What if it doesn't work out. What if I suck? What if he hates me? What if I choke? Should I even go? How many people are going to be there?

Roman sees that I am getting anxious and crawls on top of me. I am so thankful for him. I put on my pajamas, grab a tub of ice cream, sit on the couch and play a romantic comedy on Netflix to take my mind off of tomorrow. I fall asleep on the couch, waking up at 3 am. I clean up the melted ice cream and move to my bed, once again staring at the ceiling. I get to thinking of him again, eventually getting another hour of sleep. When I wake up I look at the ceiling once again and my stomach drops at the realization that today I am going to be writing music with Harry freaking Styles.

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I hope you liked that chapter! How do you think Eve is going to do on her first day?

I'm going to include the picture of the dress in the next chapter!

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