Chapter 4

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Hey everyone! I hope you like this one! 

Eve's POV:

I walk through the doors in the shop and turn on the lights. I make sure the sign still says closed and set my things down. I love coming down here at night, it's so peaceful and serene. I sit at the piano, playing a few chords, thinking about what Harry said earlier. It's great. I play the same rhythm from before. "We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me"  I sing, adding on to those lyrics. "Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat."  I've been so sad lately that I don't even remember what it was like to be truly happy. It's like I can't feel my own heartbeat.

I play a few more chords and then stop, realizing I don't know how to go from there. "The moon dances over your good side". I hear a familiar British accent behind me. No freaking way. I turn to look behind me and see Harry staring back at me. "I'm sorry?" I respond, slightly confused by his remark. "Sorry, I saw you were having trouble and thought you could use some help." he says. "Wait what are you doing here?" I ask, confused.

"Well I was grocery shopping next door and saw the lights on. I wanted to ask you a question."

"Yeah sure go ahead." I respond trying to keep my cool. "I'm making an album, my first album." Aw he seems nervous. "Do you think I could sell some of the vinyls and CDs here? Most of it still has to be written but it would be cool to see my work here in a place like this." Why? It's nothing special. I mean I did inherit it but still, it's not like it's a big store like Walmart or Target. "Yeah of course! I'll make a note of it in the back so that I can expect a shipment! I say, trying to sound professional. I didn't need to make a note of it, but hey gotta look good for the famous singer. I head to the back room to 'make note of it', when I hear the piano playing. I came back to find Harry at the piano, playing the song I was just singing. What in the world? Harry Styles. Playing my song. In my shop. This can't be real.

"Oh sorry, I was just seeing how that next line would sound, but something feels off." He gets up from the piano and I move to where he was. Am I really about to perform in front of him? No Eve would never do that. I press down the keys and start singing what has been building in my head. "We're not who we used to be. We're not who we used to be. We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me. Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat." I go in with the new lyrics. "The fridge light washes this room white, the moon dances over your good side, and this was all we used to need. I remember dancing in the fridge light with him after having a nice dinner, listening to Stevie Wonder, letting go of all of our troubles. Shoot, don't cry in front of Harry Styles.

"Wow. That was amazing. You are clearly talented." I try to hide my smiles. "I can't wait to see what you do with it. Thanks for everything! I'll uh- I'll get out of your hair." he says as he walks away. I call out to him almost like a shout thanking him for the lyric. He turns around and gives a nod, then turns towards the door and walks out. Woah, I just sang in front of Harry. He liked it. We talked. Am I dreaming?

I keep playing around with the song, adding a few lyrics here and there, but nothing concrete. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 1:00 in the morning. I quickly gather my things and head out the door. I drive like a maniac down the road, like always, hoping to not get a ticket. I get to my apartment and set my keys on the counter. I rush to my living room and plop myself on the couch. Wow. Harry Styles. Twice. In one day.

I eat some grapes and then finally make my way to bed. I lay down and stare at the ceiling. Thoughts start filling my head. Where is he? Why won't he call? Why did he leave? Why couldn't he tell me? I can't take this. I need an instrument to play. Sometimes back home I would play my Mom's ukulele. She has taught me everything I know about music. I miss being near her and Dad but they are the ones who encouraged me to do this. I close my eyes and when I open them it's 4:32 am. Huh. More sleep than yesterday. I crawl out of bed and head straight to my coffee pot. I make my usual coffee and head out to my balcony. It's finally getting to where it's not 100 degrees in the morning anymore. I think about all I have to do at work today. I need to set out new releases, sweep the floors, and not think about meeting Harry Styles. Piece of cake.

I do my usual morning routine, throw on a white shirt, mom jeans, some birks. I say bye to Roman and head over to Sam's Cafe. Oh man she is going to freak when she hears I got to see Harry again. I burst through the door, almost knocking over this little kid, and ran straight behind the counter to talk to Sam.

"Hey what's up bouncy! This better be important I'm kinda busy here running a cafe and all!" she says giving a customer their order. I pull her to the side and try to tell her the news quietly, trying to not draw attention.

"HE WHAT!" she yells, getting some strange looks. I shush her trying to get her to quiet down. "Sorry, this is huge! You are going to be selling his music! Plus he helped you write! You are living the dream Eve! I wouldn't call getting dumped and then not being successful in your dream job 'the dream', but I'll go with it.

After I make sure Sam got all of the details I grab a muffin, pay her in hugs, and head over to the record store. I park my car, walk up to the door and check the mail slot, something I do when I can, but I am so forgetful that it only happens around twice a week. I unlock the little door and pier inside. Bills, junk, orders, um what's this?

I take a sealed envelope with my name on it out of the mailbox. Who is sending me letters? I walk inside the store and set the mail on the counter. I open the envelope and pull out a piece of paper. I begin to read it. No freaking way.

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What do you think Eve found?

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