Chapter 9

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Hey everyone!! Tonight's chapter is in Harry's POV! It's also a little shorter so I'll post another chapter tomorrow to make up for it! Enjoy!

Also heads up, this starts when he is dropping Eve off after they got ice cream!

Harry's POV:

I watch her enter the building before pulling out. I turn on my radio, and funny enough, it's Paramore again. I pick up my phone and call Mitch.

"Harry, you know some people like to have a nice dinner with their girlfriend without getting interrupted." he answers. "Sarah's there too? Great, I'm coming over." I tell him, not waiting for his permission. What are friends for. I hang up the phone before he can respond. I got a lot to talk to him about. Before I know it I am pulling into his driveway. I walk into his house without knocking and see Mitch and Sarah cleaning up from dinner.

"Well come on in, why don't you." Mitch says, sarcastically. "Mitch give him a break, how'd it go tonight? Sarah says, catching me off guard. "What do you mean?" I ask. " Ya know. Hanging out with Eve." she says, smiling. "How did you know about that?" I ask, confused. "Who do you think told her that you didn't have any plans?" Sarah says, looking at Mitch. I should've known.

"Dude, you didn't stop smiling the whole writing session today, so knowing you wouldn't do anything about it, I stepped up. You're welcome." he says, getting sassy.

"It was pretty fun. We got coffee, we went back to her apartment where I met her dog, we went to her record store and finished the song from earlier, she showed me a new song she is working on, we got ice cream, and then got chased by paparazzi." I tell them. I look up noticing them both staring at me, smiling.

"What?" I ask, wondering what they are thinking. "You love her!" Sarah exclaims. "What are you talking about?" I ask, shocked. "Come on man, when you were talking about her your face lit up. You're into her!" Mitch says, agreeing with Sarah. "You guys are nuts. I barely know her. Of course I don't 'like her'." I tell them, not believing a word I say.

"Okay fine, where is she from?" Sarah asks. "North Carolina. Why does that matter?" I respond, not knowing where this is going. 

"When did she move to LA?" she continues, ignoring me. "When she graduated high school, are you going somewhere with this?" I replied. 

"Was there a reason she moved here?" she keeps going."Yeah. She took over her grandmother's store, and she wanted to go into songwriting. How is all of this important?" I am so confused at this point. 

"Harry, when's my birthday?" she asks me. "Um I know you've told me before because we had a whole conversation about it. I don't remember off the top of my head..." I say, realizing what she's getting at. She's good.

"Okay okay fine. I'm a little interested. But I don't want to get into anything yet. Not until I'm sure about how I feel and how she feels." I say nervously. "Finally! Gosh, I never thought you would crack." says Mitch walking back to the kitchen. "Now can you get out of here, I kinda want to continue my date with this lady." he says, pointing to Sarah. "We're watching The Notebook. Can you believe she's never seen it?" he says. I say goodbye to Mitch and Sarah, and head back home.

When I get home I get my guitar out of the car and head inside. I set my keys on my kitchen table and headed straight to the couch. Why can't I stop thinking about her. I strum a few chords. I add a few random lyrics to the strumming pattern. "She's got a family in Carolina...moved all the way cause he grandma told her oh... how would I tell her that she's all I think about... well I guess she just found out."

I write down these lyrics and chords on a piece of paper. I work with them a little more until I have part of a song written. I set my guitar to the side and start thinking about tomorrow. I hope it goes well. I hope she's okay after the paparazzi. I hope she had fun. I really need to figure out how I feel about her. I think about the car ride earlier and get an idea.

I grab my phone and start a new text conversation with Eve.

"Hey. it's Harry, We are going to start at 11:00 tomorrow, do you want me to give you a ride?"

Before I know it, she texts back.

"Sure! Don't forget Paramore :)" she replies. I smile at my phone screen.

"I would never! See you tomorrow." I say back, getting excited for tomorrow. She sends a text back saying "Can't wait!". I let out another smile and set my phone down. I go over to my music shelf in my bedroom and find my Paramore CDs and set them aside for tomorrow. I brush my teeth, set my alarm, and climb in bed. I lay awake, staring at the ceiling. I cannot wait for tomorrow. It's gonna be a good day.

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I know this chapter is a little different, but I thought it would be fun to see how Harry felt!

I hope you liked this chapter! Stay tuned for tomorrow because I'm uploading chapter 10!

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