Chapter 14

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I really hope you guys like this one! A lot happens in this chapter so get ready haha.


Eve's POV:

"Mum? We're here!" Harry yells. I see Anne walking out of the kitchen. "Hi! You made it! I'm so glad you are here!" she says, hugging Harry. "This is Evangeline Williams." he says, leading his mom over to me. "Hello darling! It is so good to finally meet you! I have heard so many great things about you!", she says as she hugs me. "Oh really?" I ask looking over to Harry, his cheeks turning red. "It is so nice to meet you. You can call me Eve. Harry speaks highly of you." I tell her. She smiles and leads us into the kitchen.

"Now I'm sure you guys want to get to sleep, but here are some strawberry muffins if you want them. Just don't eat them all. Gemma might want some tomorrow!" she says, making Harry excited. "Gemma's here? She didn't tell me she was coming home!" he turns to me. "Eve, you are going to love her!" "I can't wait to meet her!" I tell him. "Alright you two, I'm off to bed, I'll see you in the morning!" We say goodnight to her, leaving just Harry and I downstairs.

"Would you like a muffin?" he asks. "Yes please!" I respond. He gets us both a muffin and sits down in front of me at the kitchen table. "Hey, thanks for earlier. I don't do well with airplanes and storms." I say, breaking off a bite sized piece of my muffin. "Of course. You actually calmed me down too." he says. "I did?" I ask, confused. "Yeah totally. I don't know why, but knowing that I was helping you, helped me." he says, nervously. "Well I'm glad I could help!" I say laughing, trying to break the tension. We finish our muffins in silence, but enjoying each other's company.

"Hey you look tired. Do you want me to show you the guest room?" he says getting up from the table. "Yeah that sounds good. Probably should try to get ahead of the jet lag." I say as he grabs my bags. He leads me upstairs to the guest room. When I walk in I see what Harry was talking about. Anne put towels on the bed for the bathroom, put extra blankets in the chair, and even put mints on the pillow. "Your mom is the sweetest!" I tell him as I crash onto the bed. Harry sets my bags down and sits on the bed beside me.

"So what do you have planned for us tomorrow Mr. Styles?" I ask, sitting up. "Well, Miss Williams, I was thinking we would spend the day with my mum and sister, then in the evening we could go walking around town." he explains to me. "That sounds great." I tell him, my eyelids fluttering. "Well I'm going to let you get settled, and I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight Evangeline Williams." "Goodnight Harry Styles."

I wake up to the smell of fresh cooked bacon and eggs. I walk downstairs in an oversized sweatshirt and pajama pants. I see Harry sitting with his sister at the table, and Anne is making breakfast. "Good morning dear! How'd you sleep?" she asks, handing me a plate. "Very well! Thank you!" I saw as she put eggs and bacon on my plate. I head over to the table to where Gemma and Harry are sitting. "Morning! Gem this is Evangeline Williams." he introduces me. "Hey! It's nice to meet you Evangeline!" she says. "It's so nice to meet you too! And you can call me Eve!" I tell her. We eat our breakfast and talk about the stuff we are working on.

We spend the day with Gemma and Anne. Anne shows me old pictures of Harry, and Gemma tells me stories from when they were kids. We watch home videos and we even sing Two Ghosts for them. Harry's family is so great. Europe is great. Everything is great.

I put on my blue and white polka dot dress and my sandals. I grab my purse and head downstairs to see Harry waiting. "Are you ready for a night out in Holmes Chapel?" he asks, leading me out of the house and into the car. "Oh I was born ready!" I say with a smile on my face. We head towards the busy part of town. Harry parks on the street and helps me out of the car. "You look very nice by the way." he tells me. I get butterflies in my stomach. "Thank you! You don't look too bad yourself." I tell him, letting a slight smile escape.

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