Chapter 18

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Wowowowowowowowow. Here it is everyone. The final chapter. I really hope you like it.

Please play the song when it prompts you to! You'll get the full affect that way!

Outfit at the end like always!

Eve's POV:

It's the morning of the day before my party. December 9th to be exact. I roll out of bed and head straight to the coffee. I sit outside on my balcony but my mind can't take the quiet, so I turn on Good Morning America and nearly choke on my drink.

To my surprise I see Harry on TV being interviewed. He didn't even tell me. I dial Jeffery's number when I hear my name come out of the interviewer's mouth. 

"And how is your lovely girlfriend, Evangeline Williams?" she asks. "She's great! We're both extremely happy!" He says, and you can just tell he is lying through his teeth. 

The people interviewing him didn't seem to notice, but I sure did. I'm mad. Beyond mad. I'm- I can't think of a word right now but whatever it is, I'm it.

I call Jeffery and he gets an earful. He pulls the whole "Oh he didn't tell you?" which makes me even more mad because I just know he is behind it. I don't have any proof, but the feeling in my gut should be enough.

A few hours later I call Harry. When he tries to tell me he doesn't have time to talk, I tell him to make time. I'm not doing this again.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to New York?" I ask him, trying not to sound too mad. It doesn't work. "I didn't find out until last minute. I didn't think to tell you, I'm so sorry. I have another interview in a few minutes, but I will tell you about everything at the party okay?" he tells me in a hurry. Before I can say anything he hangs up the phone. Again.

I push back the tears and text the party panning group chat to make sure things are okay, trying to distract myself. I take care of a few more things for the party and finally get the chance to relax. I turn on Netflix and turn on our favorite show, not caring if he misses it. I fall asleep on the couch, the bowl of popcorn spilling all over the sofa.

I wake up to Roman licking my face. I check my phone and see the date. December 10th. Happy Birthday to me. Throughout the day I get a ton of phone calls and text messages from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday. I help set up the party, checking my phone every five minutes to see if Harry has texted me, but coming up empty every time. I keep having to tell myself he's probably on the plane and can't text or call right now.

I go to the back room and put on a simple navy dress and navy heels, not caring too much about my appearance. Sam barricades the door that goes back into the party room so that I'm the last one to go in. When I finally walk in I see they put up Christmas lights while I was changing. Despite not seeing Harry yet, I can't help but smile. Tonight is about me, not him.

I couldn't help keeping my eyes glued to the door, though. Every time the door opened my heart raced thinking it was him, but it never was. Eventually it was time for cake and I had to make a speech.

"Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank you all for coming! I hope you all are having a great time!" I look around the room and see all of the faces staring back at me, none of them Harry's. My face falls and I choke on my words, the band and Sam clearly seeing that I'm not okay. 

"Uh thanks everyone!" I say and then immediately get out of the spotlight, heading down the hall towards the bathroom, my friends following behind me.

I finally let the tears fall, not caring about my makeup. Everyone else is silent as we crowd in the bathroom. "He said he'd be here." I whisper as my tears fall faster. Everyone else stays quiet, not knowing exactly what to say. I wipe under my eyes and check the mirror. "Im fine, I'm fine. We should get back to the party." I tell them, ignoring their worried looks.

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