Chapter 10

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This chapter is back in Eve's POV! Hope you like it!

Eve's POV:

I wake up to the sound of thunder. I roll over and look at the clock. 7:00 am. Wow, I actually slept through the night. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen. I make a coffee and sit on the couch, listening to the rain. As much as I want to be calm right now, I can't stop thinking about how great today is going to be. I turn on the TV and find the Hollywood Access channel to distract myself. When I saw what they were covering I almost spit out my coffee.

I read the headline. "Harry Styles spotted with possible new girlfriend in LA last night."  I run over to my phone FaceTime Sam. Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Sam you better pick the freak up. After multiple attempts of me calling her she finally picks up. 

"What, for the love of all things good and pure, is so important that you have to wake me up at 7:00 in the morning?" she asks, groggily. 

"Turn on Hollywood Access NOW!" I tell her, freaking out. "Okay okay chill out, what's the big- oh my GOSH EVE!" she yells, making me freak out even more. I can't believe this is happening.

"Eve, you're famous!" she says, getting all excited. "No I am not Sam. I'm far from it. It'll go away soon, I'm sure." I say to her. "Yeah, but do you want it to? She asks me.

 "What do you mean?" I know what she means but I don't want her to know that.

 "Eve, you guys are adorable together. I know you see it, too." I roll my eyes at her. "Fine whatever, just promise me you won't rule it out. This could be good for you Evangeline Williams." I laugh at her saying my full name. "Fine, I promise Samantha Wiggins." I say laughing. 

We say our goodbyes and hang up. I finish my coffee and hop in the shower. After, I pick out my outfit. I put on an oversized white graphic t-shirt and tuck that into a pair of jeans. I move onto my makeup and as I am putting it on I get a text from Harry.

"Hey, want to get breakfast before heading to the studio? If so, I can pick you up at 10." What if we get caught by paparazzi again? Eh oh well. Hopefully there aren't any where we are going.

"Sure! Want to go to Beachwood? Sam isn't working today so she won't be there to freak out!" I replied.

"Sounds good! See you soon. Don't worry, I have the Paramore CDs ready to go!" I laugh reading his text. I finish putting on my makeup and pick out a pair of converse to wear. I watch tv and play with Roman until I hear Harry pull up outside. I sling my bag over my shoulder, say goodbye to Roman, and head outside.

When I get in the car Harry is on the phone. I wave to him and he waves back.

"Yeah I know mum, don't worry. When I do get a girlfriend I will tell you first. Yep I promise. Hey I gotta go. Okay. Love you, too. Bye." he says, hanging up the phone. "See the news?" he asks nervously. 

"Yeah I did, and I'm assuming your mom did too?" I respond laughing. "Yeah, she was pretty mad when she found out, but then she got even more mad when she heard it wasn't true. She told me to tell you that she thinks you are very pretty." he says, smiling shyly. 

"Aw she is so sweet! Make sure to tell her I said thank you!" I say back. So what his mom likes you, doesn't mean anything Eve.

Harry turns up the volume and a Paramore song is playing. We both look at each other, nod, and start singing as the top of our lungs.

"Woah, I never meant to brag, but I got him where I want him now. Woah, it was never my intention to brag, to steal it all away from you now. But God, does it feel so good, 'cause I got him right where I want him now. And if you could you know you would. 'Cause God it just feels so, it just feels so good."

We jam out to Paramore the rest of the way to Beachwood. When we arrive, Harry opens every door for me that we come across. Stop being so sweet Harry Edward Styles. It's getting really hard to convince myself that I don't have a crush on you.

We order at the counter and then sit at the table by the window. "So what is on the agenda today Mr. Styles?" I ask, setting my bag down beside me. 

"Well, Miss Williams, I was thinking that today we can either work on the song you sang to me yesterday, or we could write a brand new song. Either way I know with your help it'll be great.", he says, smiling down at his hands.

"I like that idea. Is the rest of the crew going to be there? I ask, hoping they are.

"Yeah they should be. They are probably going to give us a hard time about the paparazzi pictures. They like to joke around about that stuff." he replies. "Eh I can take it." I say smiling at him.

We eat our breakfast and then head over to the studio, singing along to Paramore the whole way there. We pull into a parking place, and once again he opens all of the doors for me as we head inside. When we walk inside the studio, all eyes fall on us. Okay here it comes.

"There's the happy couple!" Mitch says laughing. "You just couldn't help yourself, could you Mitchell." Harry says, rolling his eyes. 

"Oh please, you saw that one coming Harold." Mitch responds, making me laugh. "How's it feel being labeled as Harry's new 'mystery woman'? Sarah asks me. 

"Honestly it's kinda weird having to worry about paparazzi and all that stuff, but it's also kinda fun, not gonna lie." I say, smiling at Harry.

"I have to say, you guys make a cute couple!" Clare says. My cheeks turn red. This is not helping me not crush on him Clare. 

"That seems to be a popular opinion today." Harry says, checking his phone. "We're trending on Twitter." he says, showing me. "Huh that's a first for me." I say to him. "I'm sure everything will calm down soon." I say, trying to reassure him, but also myself. I can't date him. It could get messy.

Harry and I present the finished song we were working on yesterday. I then present the song I showed Harry yesterday. It feels really good to get these songs off of my chest. It's kind of freeing in a way. We work on the new song for a little while before we decide to call it for the day.

"Alright Mr. and Mrs. Styles, I hate to bail, but I have a life." Mitch says laughing. "Shut up Mitch, we all you know you're just going to go home and watch Game of Thrones." Harry teases Mitch. Mitch rolls his eyes as he packs his stuff up. I put my notes in my bookbag and say my goodbyes to everyone. Once Harry packs up we head out.

When we get in the car Harry turns to me. "Are you busy today?, he asks. "I am in fact not busy, why do you ask?" I respond, hoping he wants to do something. "Oh no reason." he replies, a smirk on his face. He pulls out of the parking lot. "Um where are you taking me Harry Styles?" I ask excitedly. "You will see once we get there, Evangeline Williams." he says laughing. He plays Paramore on the radio and we belt out at the top of our lungs. Where are we going? You know what, I don't care.

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I hope you liked this chapter! Where do you think they are going?

Make sure to stay tuned for chapter 11! And follow me on here and tiktok to get announcements and updates!



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