Chapter 8

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Hey everyone! Chapter 8 is here! I've been waiting so long to post this chapter, so I can't wait for you guys to read it! I hope you like it!!

Eve's POV:

"Hey, come on in." I say, as I open the door. "So where is the famous Roman?" he asks, sounding genuinely excited. "He's in the living room on the rug. Roman come here boy, I want you to meet someone!" I call out to the living room. Roman comes moseying on over to where Harry and I are standing. "Hey boy, I'm Harry! Nice to meet you!" Oh my- He is talking to Roman. I swear he has got to stop proving Sam's point. "You hang with Roman, I'll go grab my things." I don't think I've ever been that casual with Harry. Look at me go. I walk into my bedroom and grab my book bag, some more song ideas, and my jean jacket. I walk back out to the living room to see Harry giving roman a belly rub. No Eve. He's Harry Styles. You're just some random person. Stop it.

"Man, Roman doesn't usually get along this well with new people. It took him forever to get even a little close to Sam." I tell him. "Maybe I'm just that likable!" He says, smiling. I let out a little giggle as I put my jacket on. "Hey, do you want to just take my car, then I can drop you off back here later tonight? He asks, catching me off guard. Harry Styles is going to give me a ride. In his car. Woah. "Yeah, that sounds great!" I reply. We say bye to Roman and head out.

I follow Harry to his car. I climb into the passenger seat and settle in. We both put on our seat belts, then he starts the car and begins to pull out. "So what is your favorite thing to do in California?" he asks, trying to start a conversation. "Well there is this patch of woods that stretches for like a mile outside of LA that I like to walk in. There are little paths and not many people know about it. It's really peaceful." I tell him, realizing not even Sam knows about that spot. "That sounds really nice." he says, turning on the radio. A Paramore song comes on, and he starts humming along with the song. "Now come on Styles, don't be shy!" Ewewewew did I just flirt a little? Stop it Eve. "Whatever you say Evangeline... whatever your last name is." he says laughing. "It's Williams." I respond, smiling. Harry starts singing, and motions me to join in. Aw shoot here we go.

"I don't mind, Letting you down easy but just give it time. If it don't hurt now just wait, just wait a while. You're not the big fish in the pond no more. You're what they're feeding on." Harry rolls down the windows as we both sing.

"So what are you gonna do, when the world don't orbit around you? So what are you gonna do when the world don't orbit around you? We move into the chorus belting at the top of our lungs.

"Ain't it fun? Living in the real world. Ain't it good? Being all alone. He turns down the radio, letting the song play in the background.

"I have to say, you make nice company, Eve." he says pulling into a parking spot in front of the store. "You're not too bad yourself, Harold." I say laughing, imitating Mitch. Are you close enough with him to make those jokes? Eh, just go with it. He smiles and gets out of the car. As I am picking up my bag from beside my feet, Harry comes around and opens my door for me.

"Why thank you!" I say, hopping out of the car. "You are very welcome!" he says, both of us laughing. He is so fun to be around. How many times do you have to tell yourself Eve, it's never gonna happen.

I unlock the door, letting us both inside. I set my keys down on the counter and drop my book bag by the piano. I sit down when realization hits. I don't have any spare chairs. All I have is the piano bench. I look over to Harry as he is taking his guitar out of the case. Without hesitation he sits next to me. We are treading into very dangerous waters Mr. Styles.

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