Chapter 12

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This is the second part of the double update! This is sort of a filler chapter, but it's still really cute! I hope you like it! 

The outfit is at the bottom!

Eve's POV:

"That jerk. You're lucky I wasn't there to pick up the phone for you." Sam says as she throws my shirt in my suitcase. I laugh, folding some jeans and packing them. "Did Harry say anything when he called?" she asks. How do I tell her what happened, without telling her what happened. 

He just reassured me and basically calmed me down. It was really sweet." I say, letting a smile cross my face. "Look at you! You're in full on crush mode!" I roll my eyes at her. "Look I don't know what I'm feeling okay. It's all a little complicated." I tell her as I zip up my suitcase. 

"Wait, is that why you're going with him tomorrow? To find out what's going on between you two?" she asks. "Kind of. But honestly I need to get away from LA for a little while. I guess I just need a break." I answer hesitantly. 

"One more thing. Why am I not watching Roman?" I stare at her. "The last time you watched Roman he escaped and I had to come back from North Carolina early to help find him." "Oh right." she says, remembering the event. We both laugh, moving towards the door.

"Eve, promise me you will be careful. I don't need you getting kidnapped in a foreign country." she says heading to the door. "I promise!" I say laughing. "Also, if you find yourself, oh I don't know, wanting to make a move on a certain British fellow, do it. You deserve to be happy Eve. I mean it." she says to me.

 "Now that I can't promise, but I'll consider it. I swear." She gives me a hug, says goodbye, and leaves. I look over to Roman. "I do deserve to be happy, don't I. I've been so unhappy for so long. I don't know boy, maybe something good will happen soon." I say petting him. I hear my phone ring and I get scared, thinking it's him. I look to see who is calling and become relieved knowing it's just Harry.

"Why hello there!" I say, answering the phone. "Hello to you, too! I was just calling to tell you the plan for tomorrow." he responds. "Sweet, let's hear it!" I say to him. "Well I'll pick you up at around 4:30 in the morning. Then we will drop off Roman and then head to the airport for our 7 am flight. By the time we get to my mom's it will be around 6 pm our time, 2 am their time." he explains. "That sounds good! I do have one question though. What are we going to do about the paparazzi?" I ask, concerned. 

"There is no way we're going to be able to avoid them. If you don't feel comfortable I under-" I cut him off. "I'm fine with it. Promise." I tell him. "Okay. Just making sure. I'm going to let you go so that you can get some sleep before tomorrow. I'll text you before I arrive." Okay sounds good. See you soon". We hang up and I get back to petting Roman. This is going to be good. I can feel it.

I hear my alarm go off. I turn it off, looking at the time. 3 am. I yawn and get out of bed. I stumble to the kitchen and make coffee. I'm going to Europe with Harry Styles today. No biggie. I shower and do my make up. I put on some leggings, a comfy black shirt, a jacket, and some white sneakers. I put a hat and sunglasses in my bag for when we get to the airport. I pack up Roman's things and quickly eat a bagel. I look over at my phone and see I missed a text from Harry. "Hey I'll be there in ten minutes." I look at the time stamp. Ten minutes ago. Crap crap crap. I rush to get my stuff to the door. I'm bringing Roman's stuff to the door when I hear a knock.

I open the door to see Harry standing there. "Good morning! You look stressed." he tells me. "Sorry." I say pushing my hair behind my ear. "I didn't see your text till two minutes ago." I say picking up my bags. He laughs and takes my bags from me. What a freaking gentleman. I grab Roman and his bag and head out of my apartment, locking my door behind me. 

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I hope you liked this chapter! I'm honestly so excited for you guys to read chapter 13! I'll let you know when it's up.

Also, go follow me on tiktok (and on here!) to get the updates for when future chapters are coming out!



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