Chapter 3

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Eve's POV:

Dear Evangeline,

I am so sorry I have been MIA for the past few days. I have to leave California. It's all hard to explain so I will spare you the time. I didn't want to break up with you like this, not after everything we've been through, but I have no choice. I hope life treats you well. Again, I am so sorry.

Sincerely, J

I look up from my dashboard and hit my brakes. If I don't stop daydreaming a ticket is going to be the least of my problems. I look up at the stoplight and wait for the light to turn green. It's hard to explain. Yeah right. I keep repeating that line in my head as I turn into the store parking lot. I open up as usual and then take a seat at the piano.

I place my fingers on the keys and take a deep breath. I begin to play a few chords, playing along to the melody that I can't get out of my head. I work on it while the store is empty, changing and perfecting the order of the chords.

Playing through my lunch break, I decide to add some lyrics to the song. It's the only way I can let my feelings out without the fear of judgement or resentment.

"We're not who we used to be, we're not who we used to be. We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me." Definitely like ghosts alright. I grab my things from the piano and stand up. When I turned around I let out a scream and dropped everything from my hands. I wasn't expecting customers right then, but I was definitely not expecting this person to be in my store.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to startle you." he says in his British accent. Wow. "It's okay, really. I just wasn't expecting anyone to be in the store right now." I say as we both pick up what I had dropped. "I- I'm Evangeline" I say, stuttering on every syllable. "I'm Harry" he says, letting out a small laugh. Yeah duh I know who you are. I wasn't born yesterday. "I really like what you were playing, sorry to eavesdrop." I feel my cheeks grow red from embarrassment. He heard me. He actually heard me sing. Harry styles liked my lyrics. "Thanks!" I try to say in a calm tone, but it doesn't really work.

"I was just looking for some John Mayer records, if you have any." he says, changing the conversation. "Uh yeah, I- I think we have some over here" I reply, still trying to collect my thoughts. Harry Styles is shopping here. Here!

I take Harry over to where I keep the John Mayer records. "Anything in particular by John Mayer?" Stay calm. Stay calm. "Yeah, I'm looking for the 'Where the Light is' album. I used to listen to him a lot when I was younger." he says. I hand him the vinyl record and we head over to the cash register. He pays for the album and starts for the door, but before he opens it he looks over his shoulder, facing me.

"You should continue that piece you were working on earlier. That little bit is so great, I can't imagine how the rest of the song will sound." he says. Holy crap he did not just say that. Oh my gosh. I think I'm dying. Sam is going to be so jealous. At a loss for words I nod, and he leaves. I just met Harry freaking Styles. In my SHOP.

After Harry left the day came to a crawl. It felt like forever before I could close up for the day. When I do, I run to my car and just sit there. Holy crap holy crap holy crap. I met Harry Styles today. He came into my shop today. I have got to tell Sam. I check the time and realize Sam is off work so I put the keys in my ignition and drive straight to her house.

When I arrive, I walk straight into her apartment without knocking and call out her name.

"SAM! SAM! WHERE ARE YOU!", I shout, scaring the crap out of her. "Relax! I'm right here! What's going on?" she says concerned. "I kinda sorta met Harry Styles today!" I exclaim. I can barely get my words out, I'm so excited. "You WHAT!" she says, jumping up and down. "Oh my gosh, how? When? Tell me everything!" she asks. "Well, I was at the record store playing something on the piano during the slow part of the day, and when I get up I see him just staring at me!" I reply. "Oh my gosh! He heard you play! That's huge!

She's right. It is huge. Harry freaking Styles heard me play. He heard me sing. He said it was great. He told me to continue it. He said it was GREAT!

"What happened next?" she asked seeing that I zone out. "He got what he was searching for, paid, and then he told me that the piece I was working on was great, and that I should keep working on it!" I say, smiling so wide. "Okay, I am going to make us dinner and you are going to tell me all about this song." Crap. I don't want her to know it's about him. Not yet. "Aw I wish I could but I have to go and feed Roman." He doesn't need to be fed for hours, you liar. I have got to stop making excuses. "Oh uh- okay. Call me whenever!" she says, knowing something's up. "Yeah um, I will." No I won't.

I gather my things, say goodbye, and head out, picking up Wendy's on the way home. I walk through the door and immediately greet Roman, him knocking me down to the floor.

"Roman you will not believe the day I had. I met the actual Harry Styles!". Roman stares at me in utter disbelief. "I know, I know. I probably sound crazy, but I'm telling the truth!" Roman gets up and walks towards the living room. "Fine! Don't believe me! It did happen though! I'm trying to convince my dog that I met Harry Styles. Geez get a grip.

I feed Roman and then sit on the couch. I haven't turned any lights on, so it's just the sunset shining in through the balcony doors. I think about the song I was writing before. We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me. I realize how hard this is without a piano, so I decide to head back to the shop. I pet Roman and head out, locking the door behind me. On the way I try to piece some lyrics together, still making sure I don't almost run a red light... again.

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Heyy! I don't know how I feel about the first few chapters, but here they are anyway! I know I keep saying this but it does get better, I promise! 

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