Chapter 11

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Surprise! Double update! I just realized how short this chapter is, so I'm going to post chapter 12 as well so keep reading! 

I'm also super nervous for you guys to read this because it's pretty important and we do learn some more information about Eve, and we get some good advice from Harry! I hope you like it!

Warning: This chapter does include elements of a panic attack. If you are uncomfortable or may be triggered by this, please go on to the next chapter!

Eve's POV:

We pull up a long driveway. No way. This can't be what I think it is. We get out of the car and he leads me to the front door. "Welcome to my house." he says, guiding me inside. Woah. I'm in Harry Styles' house. Yep. Totally normal. "Wow, it's an honor!" I say laughing. "Oh please, the honor is mine!" he says, a smile approaching his face. "Not that being here isn't awesome, but what are we doing here?" I ask, confused. "Well since the temperature is dropping I thought we could take advantage of the weather and have a picnic in the backyard." he says heading to his kitchen. "That sounds fun!" I say sitting on the bar stool at his island. I look over to his couch in his living room and notice suitcases.

"Going on a trip?" I ask him, motioning to the suitcases. "Yeah I'm going home for a few days. I leave Monday. Ham or turkey?" he asks, making our lunch. "Turkey. What is it like in the UK? Is it as nice as people say it is?" I ask him. "Oh it's better. Have you ever been?" he asks, putting the food in a basket. "Nope. I've always wanted to but never had a reason." I tell him honestly. "I think adventure in itself is a good enough reason." he tells me, leading me outside.

Harry sets the basket down and then lays out a blanket. We get everything out of the basket and start eating, continuing our talk about the UK. "What's your favorite part about it?" I ask in between bites. "Well it's probably the fact that my family is there or just the familiarity of it all." he tells me. "That's really nice-" I say as my phone starts to ring. I look at the caller ID and freeze.

Something that I have feared for months is happening right now. Before this past week I would give almost anything for this to happen, but now, it's the last thing I want.

"Eve, are you okay?" Harry asks. My breathing picks up. I start shaking uncontrollably. "Evangeline. What is it? What's wrong? Talk to me." I try to talk, but I can't get a word out. All I can get out is "J".

I burst into tears. "Hey hey, it's okay." He pulls me into a hug trying to calm me down. "Shh it's okay. Take your time." I can't think. I can't process what's happening. All I know is I've never felt this scared, confused, angry, or safe before. I finally catch my breath and grab a napkin to wipe my tears. I sit in silence for a few seconds trying to catch up with my thoughts. Why now. It's been weeks, months even. Is it because of the pictures with Harry? What does he want? I look up at Harry and see how concerned he is. I gotta get this out. If I don't, who knows what could happen.

"Um th- that was my ex. He left a few months ago. He didn't tell me why or where he was going. All I got was a note on my welcome mat." I wipe a tear from my cheek. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm telling you this." I say to him. "Hey it's okay. I'm here. You can tell me anything. I mean it. Okay. You asked for it.

"Our relationship was pretty rocky. Two years into dating I found out he was also dating another girl. When I found out, he left her for me. Things were just getting good again when he decided to leave. I guess I should've known." I say, looking down at my hands. "Hey, look at me. Him leaving was not your fault. You gave him a second chance and he was too arrogant to take it. It's his loss." he says. A smile crosses my face. Man he would make a great therapist.

"I have an idea." he says, heading back into the house. I follow him, confused. "What are you doing? I ask him as he picks up his phone. 

"I'm calling my mum." he says, a smirk forming on his face. "Why?" I ask him. "To tell her that you're coming with me to Holmes Chapel!" he says, smiling. "Uh come again?". Harry holds up a finger to his mouth, shushing me. What the heck is happening right now?

"Hey mum I have a quick question. Is it alright if I bring a friend to stay with us when I come home?" he asks her. "No, Harry-" I try to stop him. "Shh I'm on the phone." he says with a big smile on his face.

"Yeah you might know her from the news. Yep. Okay great. See you soon. Love you. Bye." He looks up at me. "Pack your bags because you and I are going on a trip!" he says. 

"Harry there is no way I'm going. I have too much to do here. Plus I have Roman!" I tell him. "You can take off a few days. Plus Mitch can watch Roman!" I stare at him. "Okay fine, Sarah will watch Roman. Come on, Eve. This can give you time to clear your head. Trust me it'll be fun!"

I think about it. I barely know him and I'm already considering going on a trip with him. My parents are going to kill me for this, but that's a risk I'm going to have to take. I need to figure out my feelings, whether I like it or not. It could be good for me, I guess

"Fine, but you have to take me sightseeing." I say, getting excited. "Deal!". This could be good. Who knows. In the UK, anything could happen.

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Don't stop here! This is a double update so Chapter 12 is up and waiting for you to read!

I hope you liked this chapter! It's kind of different but I made for a few really great moments between the two of them! 

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