Chapter 1

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Evangeline's POV:

Joanne's records. I read the sign as I walk into the building. I set my keys down on the counter and turn on the music. I make sure all of the records and CDs are in the right spot, then I flip the closed sign to open.

It's still early and I never get customers at this hour so I sit at the piano and play a few chords, going from F major to C major, playing what has been stuck in my head all weekend. I've always loved music, but never had any instruments of my own. I usually just play here at the shop or in my parents garage when I visit them back home in North Carolina.

I hear the bell chime as the door opens. Thinking it was a customer I jumped up from the stool and head over to go assist them, but it was just my best friend, Samantha. She was my first friend I made when I moved to LA. I haven't been the best at making friends, hence not having many, but who needs a ton of friends when you can have a few really good ones.

"Hey I brought you a coffee!" she says, clearly having a few already in her system. "Thanks Sam." I responded as I let out a half yawn.

"Still no sleep, huh? How long has it been since you've gotten a full night's sleep?" she asks worriedly. "Only a few days!" I lied. It's been more like a few weeks. My mind has been a little preoccupied.

"He was a jerk Eve. He didn't deserve you." she says. "Yeah I know. That doesn't explain why he left, though. It's been weeks and all I've gotten is a note on my welcome mat saying he was leaving town and that he was breaking up with me. I hate all of the unanswered questions, Sam." I respond, holding back tears. I thought I was finally done crying. I guess not.

"Just please talk to me if you need to. I'm free whenever. You know that. I have to get back to the cafe because I am way late, but please reach out.", she says checking her watch. "Hey I love you, again, don't be afraid to call me.", she runs out before I can respond.

Afraid. She's right. I am afraid. I'm afraid to let out the thoughts in my head. I'm afraid of how she will react when she finds out the secrets of my past relationship. I'm afraid to be open. I'm also terrified of what happens after I open up. Will it hurt more or less? Will it help me find answers? I'm tired of the pain. The less I think about it the less I feel. Even though it's a temporary solution, I feel perfectly fine going with that right now.

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Hey guys! The rest of the chapters are going to be longer I promise! And it does get better from here :)

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