Chapter 6

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I hope you like this chapter and I hope you get some of the references in this ;) Also this is a double update so make sure you start with this one and go on to the next chapter! Oh and the outfit for this chapter is at the bottom! Enjoy!

Eve's POV:

I crawl out of bed and grab a coffee. I drink that quickly and hop in the shower, trying not to be too lazy this morning. I don't want to focus on my nerves. I dry and straighten my hair, put on a little makeup, put on the dress from yesterday, my shoes, then finally process what is happening today. I'm going to hang out with Harry today. No big deal. Too nervous to eat anything, I say goodbye to Roman and head to the record store.

I walk into the store and set my stuff down on the counter. I head straight to the piano and take my binder out of my bag. I flip through the pages, finding the song I worked on with Harry. I read the lyrics and edit the ones that don't fit in the song. I write and edit for what feels like forever, then realize that it's time to get to the studio. I can't believe I'm doing this. This is so not Evangeline Marie Williams. Not at all.

I pull into the parking lot in front of the studio, park, and take the keys out of the ignition. I sit in my car, staring at the front doors. I better not throw up in front on Harry Styles. I gather my things and get out of my car. I walk to the door, my legs shaking. I pull open the doors, walk through, and find the right studio room. I come up to the door, take a deep breath, okay fine a few deep breaths, and walk in.

I look up to see so many faces staring back at me. I knew who some of them were, but not all of them. I see Harry walking towards me out of the corner of my eyes. Oh my gosh okay be cool be cool.

"It's nice to see you again Evangeline!" he says in a cheerful tone. "Please only my parents call me Evangeline, my friends call me Eve." I say, not trying to sound too pushy. "Eve. I like it!" He says leading me to the rest of the group.

"This is Mitch, guitarist and my best friend. Over there is Sarah, she plays drums and is the girlfriend of said Mitch." He smiles and I let out a little laugh. No Eve, it can't happen. He wouldn't even go for someone like you, snap out of it. "This is Clare, she plays keys, and over there is Jeffery, my manager.

I say hello to everyone and then find an empty chair. I get out my binder and wait for the conversation to get started. I'm not one to start a conversation.

"So Eve, what we usually do is just run off some ideas that we either think of on the top of our heads or ones we have written down." says Jeffery. I nod, being my shy, usual self.

"Hey Eve, what about that song I heard you play at your record store? Crap. "It's not finished or anything but I do have a few lines for the first verse, a chorus, and a few lines in the second verse. It's a little all over the place if I'm being honest.", I say, so embarrassed. "Do you want to play what you have so far? No pressure!" he says, a big grin across his face. He almost seems excited to hear it.

I move over to the piano and set up my notes. Butterflies are about to fly out of my stomach. My fingers caress the keys, getting used to the feeling of the piano. I look up to make sure everyone is ready. As I am looking around the room, I notice Harry looking straight at me. He gives me an encouraging nod and I begin to play.

"Same lips red, same eyes blue. Same white shirt, couple more tattoos. It's not you and it's not me. Not having the rest of the verse written, I move into the chorus. "We're not who we used to be, we're not who we used to be. We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me. Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat. I move into the second verse. "The fridge light washes this room white, the moon dances over your good side and this was all we used to need.

I look up from the piano and see everyone smiling. "What is something wrong?" I ask, confused. "Not at all." Harry reassures me. "I told you guys she would be great." he says to the rest of the team. "Dang Harold you were right on this one. That doesn't happen often!" Mitch jokes, making me laugh. "Oh shut it Mitchell", Harry jokes back. "Play nice boys." Sarah says, laughing. I smile so wide. This is going to be good for me. I can feel it.

We keep writing for another hour or so before the session ends. I gotta say, me and Harry work really well together. We finished the first verse and the second verse. I got to talk to Sarah and Mitch some too. They all seem like such nice people. I could get used to this.

As everyone is packing up I overhear Harry telling Mitch that he doesn't have any plans for the day so he might just stay behind and work on some more songs. After talking to Mitch he comes over to where I am. Huh, I'm getting used to this whole 'talking to Harry Styles' thing.

"Amazing work today Eve, I mean it. You really impressed everyone here today." Woah. I guess I'm not used to it just yet. "I'm sure you guys would've done just fine without me, but I will take the compliment! I say laughing, putting a soft smile on his face.

"Don't sell yourself so short. You are really talented. Anyway, I'll let you finish packing up. See you tomorrow?" he asks. "Yep! Can't wait!" I respond. What is my life right now?

"Hey you know he's free right?" Mitch says as he walks up to me. "Excuse me?" I ask, confused. "You should go do something with him. Get to know him. It will make writing with him that much easier." he responds. "I can tell he wants to know more about you, he is just too chicken to do anything about." he adds. Um hello I'm chicken too.

Everyone says their goodbyes to me and somehow it's just me and Harry in the studio. I bet they all planned this.

I walk over to Harry. "Hey thanks again. I can't wait for tomorrow." I say. "Yeah of course! Thanks for coming. We're lucky to have you!" he responds. I wave goodbye and start to turn towards the door but I hear Sam's voice in my head telling me to do something I would usually never do. Gosh darn it Sam. I turn towards Harry again. Here goes nothing.

"Hey are you busy for the next few hours?" I ask, already worried he is going to judge me. He looks up and smiles. "No why?" he asks. "I'm going to go to this cafe to get a coffee, do you want to come? We can go over some new songs and stuff." I say, making it obvious that this is nothing romantic. "Yeah sure that sounds fun! Just let me grab my things and I'll meet you there. What's the name of the cafe?" He asks as he puts his guitar in it's case. "It's the Beachwood Cafe on Beachwood Drive." I respond. Oh my gosh I'm going to go get coffee with Harry Styles.

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Make sure you read the next one as this is a double update!



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