Chapter 13

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You guys have no idea how excited I am for you to read this one! It's super cute and I'm hoping you guys like it! These next few chapters I really like, so hopefully you do too!

I do want to warn you guys that there are 18 chapters total, so book one will be coming to an end somewhat soon. I am currently working on book two, so don't worry this isn't the end! With school however, it is taking me a little longer, so please keep that in mind when I start to put out book two!

Happy Reading!

Eve's POV:

Harry puts my bags in the trunk of his car and then bends down to pet Roman. "Hey boy, how's my favorite dog doing?" he says, laughing. A smile crosses my face. Okay that's cute. I put Roman in the car and I get in the passenger seat. Harry turns on Paramore and we head to Sarah's house.

We drop Roman off, say goodbye to Sarah, and then head to the airport, jamming out to Paramore the entire way there. We pass security and are waiting to board when the paparazzi surround us. We head to the boarding area, running from the paparazzi. We bored the plan and catch our breath before taking our seats. Before we know it we're taking off and on our way to Holmes Chapel.

I look out the window, deep in thought. What was he calling about. Is he going to call again? What does he want?  "What's going on in that brain of yours?" Harry asks. "Oh nothing." I say, hoping he believes me. "Come on Eve. It's not good to keep it inside. Trust me." he says. I turn to him. Here goes. "I was uh- I was thinking about the phone call. I don't really know what to do." I tell him honestly. "Well what did Sam say?" he asks. I look down nervously at my hands. "Well she doesn't really know about the whole situation. All she knows is that he left. Now that I'm thinking about it, you're really the only one who knows everything. I didn't even tell my family what happened." I tell him. "I know it's hard, and difficult, but it might help to tell them. It can help you process everything." he tells me. I know he is right.

I look out the window again and start yawning. "Hey you should get some sleep. It's a long flight." I don't try to fight him on this. I ball up my sweater and use it as a pillow, leaning against the window. I close my eyes, but don't fall asleep right away. I can feel his eyes on me. It's a comforting feeling. I feel safe.

I hear a loud crash of thunder. I open my eyes and realize I'm leaning on Harry's shoulder. "Oh crap, sorry I didn't mean to-" I start to tell him, but get interrupted by another loud crash of thunder, making me jump. I've always loved flying on airplanes, but always got so scared when the plane approaches a storm.  

 I rub my groggy eyes and look out the window to see that we are in the middle of a storm, lightning all around us. My leg starts to bounce up and down, and my hands start to shake. Harry puts his hand on mine, but once he realizes what he's done he takes them off and puts them in his lap.

"I uhh- sorry. I wasn't thinking." he stammers. Without saying anything I grab his hand and put them back on mine. He squeezes my hands, trying to calm me down. Just having him here is helping. "Do you want to try to go back to sleep? It might help." he whispers to me as another clap of thunder hits. I shake my head no, my hands starting to shake again. He pats his shoulder, motioning to me that I can lay my head back down. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. The thunder is constant at this point and is keeping me awake.

We don't say anything, but rest in each other's company. He seems so calm, which makes me seem like such a mess. I wonder why he ever thought bringing me was a good idea.

A few minutes later I hear the loudest crash of thunder I've ever heard. Knowing I'm beyond terrified, Harry wraps his arm around me and rubs my shoulder, easing my nerves. I listen to the wind and the thunder as the storm continues. A few more minutes pass until we are out of the storm. Even though it's over, he still holds onto me. It's nice. It feels right. In the comfort I close my eyes, and he does the same. Before I know it we are both asleep.

When I wake up I see the plane landing. I look over to Harry who is staring at me. "How long have you been awake? You could have moved me!" I tell him as I lean off of him and start to gather my stuff. "I've been awake for a few hours, but you looked so peaceful. I didn't want to disturb you." He tells me. We get off the plane and make our way through the paparazzi. Harry helps me put my bags in the rental and we head off to his mom's house.

"She is so excited to meet you. I was talking to her yesterday and she would not stop talking about how she got the house ready and made sure everything was perfect for you!" he tells me. My cheeks get red. "She didn't have to do that! That's so sweet of her." I say to him. Before we know it we are pulling up into his mom's house. As I get out of the car my nerves set in. We get our bags out of the car and head inside.

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So stupid me didn't realize how short this chapter was, so to make up for it I'll post chapter 14 tomorrow! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm still working on the Q&A thing for Only Angel, so it's not too late to comment any questions you have about this book or the whole series in general! I'll make sure to put your user with your question as well (unless you don't feel comfortable with that)!!

So stay tuned for tomorrow because it's a good one!!

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