Chapter 17

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Make sure you read the notes at the end!! Super important today lol

Also the outfit is at the bottom!!

Eve's POV:

The weeks blend together as September moves into October. Before we know it the album is nearly finished. Just have to add background vocals and then it'll be done. Tour was being scheduled, outfits were being put together, hotels were being reserved, and we were walking hand in hand through it all. Sure it's been stressful, but so incredibly fun. I'm the happiest I've ever been, and my sister doesn't shy away from reminding me of that.

All of this comes crashing down the week of Halloween. I was in the car with Harry heading back to my apartment when my phone started ringing off the hook. I look down to see who it is and my body freezes. Harry must have noticed because he pulled over onto the side of the road.

I look over to him in fear. "It's him, isn't it?" he asks, his voice quiet. I nod my head, unable to let out any words. The call stops and for a second I feel a sense of relief. That is until I see a notification pop up that he left a voicemail. My hands start to shake like they have multiple times before. Harry pulls back onto the road and he heads to my apartment in silence, a million different thoughts running through my mind.

We walk into my apartment and I set my phone down onto my kitchen counter, staring at it.

"Do you want me to leave so you can listen to it in private?" he asks, a worried look crossing his face.

"No I need you here. I don't wanna do this alone." I tell him honestly. I'm scared, so freaking scared, and if I fall apart I need him here to put me back together, just like the promise he made to me all those weeks ago.

I unlock my phone and open the phone app, hands shaking as I bring my it to my ear, the voicemail beginning to play.

"Hey E. It's me, Justin. I know you probably don't want to hear from me. I just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about you. I know you probably think I am the biggest jerk, and rightfully so, but before you make those assumptions about me, just remember that I had no choice. I felt like I was holding you back, so I left for you. For you to gro-" I slam my phone down on the counter and start bawling. Not tears of sadness, tears of anger.

Between gasps of air I tell Harry about what Justin said, but I also tell him about what he didn't say. I don't know where he is or what he's doing now. But I am not going to let him blame me for leaving. That was his choice. Not mine.

I can see that hearing all of this makes Harry angry too, but he doesn't say anything. Instead, he pulls me over to the couch and turns on the TV and plays our favorite show on Netflix, patting his shoulder for me to rest my head on. A few hours later I'm barely thinking about the call, and decide that Justin isn't worth my time. I go to my contacts list, click on his icon, and both block and delete his number. I moved on, and so should he.

Soon enough it's November. The album is complete, the tour is scheduled, and everything is running smoothly. I'm super proud of this album, but I'm even more proud of the handsome singer I get to call my boyfriend and the band I get to call my friends. These past few months have felt so surreal.

Before we know it the release party comes around. I had just gotten back to LA after spending Thanksgiving with my family. Of course I got relentlessly teased about dating a pop star, but that was to be expected.

I got back to Harry and Roman waiting at my door in my apartment building. I see them both and immediately start grinning. I run up to Harry and give him a quick kiss, then bend down to see Roman. I let them both inside and I immediately fall onto the couch.

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