Chapter 16

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Make sure to read the announcements at the end!! Enjoy!

Eve's POV:

"Yep, we're walking into the studio now. I gotta go, but know I am so glad you are feeling better!" I say to Alice on FaceTime. We got back to LA a few nights ago. Alice was so excited to find out about Harry and I. Of course she lectured him, telling him that if he breaks my heart, she'll break his face, which made me laugh. "Okay, I'll call you later Angel, bye Harry!" she yells to him, hoping he'll hear. "Bye Alice take care!" he replies. She giggles and hangs up the phone call.

"Are you ready Angel?" he asks, mimicking Alice. "Oh gosh, you too?" I say sounding annoyed, but secretly enjoying it. "Oh you bet! Seriously though, how do you think they will react?" he says nervously. 

"They will be happy for us! It'll be fine!" I reassure him. "Promise?" he asks. "I promise." I respond. We give each other a quick kiss and then walk into the studio, hand in hand.

We walk through the door and see everyone turn towards us, noticing our grins and us holding hands. "Wait, wait hold on. Something's different about you two but I can't quite pinpoint what it is." Mitch says walking towards us. 

Harry ignores Mitch. "Well, you're probably going to see it all over the internet sooner or later, so might as well just tell you guys now. Eve and I are officially a couple." he says, making my stomach churn. Still hearing it makes me excited.

"Nope. That's not it." Mitch says, wanting to annoy Harry. "Oh shut it Mitch. Congratulations you guys!" Sarah exclaims. 

"Thanks!" I say all giddy. We get to work pretty much right away. We finish up a few songs we have been working on, including 'Carolina'. The album is almost finished, and it's a good, but nerve wracking feeling. I hope people love it as much as I do.

Harry and I keep exchanging longing looks across the room, wishing we were alone writing together. That's the first thing we did when we got back. We ended up writing almost three songs, the most we've done in that amount of time.

The session lasts a few hours, but it feels like it flies by. "Great work today guys. We're almost there." Jeffery tells the team. Harry hurries over to me, half scaring me. "Hey what's up with you?" I ask, laughing. "I don't know, I'm just happy!" he shrugs, helping me pack up my stuff. 

"Hey, wanna go surprise Sam. She's going to kill me if she finds out from someone else besides me." I ask him. "Yeah sure! I could really use a coffee too." he says grabbing my stuff. "I can carry my own bag, Harry Styles!" I say, challenging him. "Not anymore!" he says, smiling proudly. We say goodbye to everyone and head over to Beachwood.

We get out of the car and he immediately grabs my hand. I try to picture how Sam will react, knowing she is going to be over the moon. He opens the door for me, not letting go of my hand. We walk up to the counter and Sam sees up. She drops her salad on the floor and rushes over to us.

"YOU GUYS ARE HOLDING HANDS" she exclaims. "EVE WHAT'S GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO." she is yelling at this point. "Well... we're kinda sorta dating." I say, trying to be low key thinking it will cause a more controlled response from Sam. I was so wrong.

"YOU WHAT! OMG THAT IS SO GREAT!" she says, hugging us both. "Hey, we'll go get the coffees, you want to pick out a table?" I ask Harry, hoping it will give me time to speak with Sam alone. "Yeah of course." he nods. Sam and I rush over to the counter to talk. 

"Eve! How did this all happen?" she asks me, getting the coffees as slow as possible. "Well, as you know we were at the hospital visiting my sister. Alice just sort of encouraged me to do it, and I had enough pretending I didn't want him. We said some sappy stuff to each other, and then I kissed him..." I pause waiting for his response. 

She looks up from the coffees with wide eyes. "Wait, you're telling me you kissed him! Wow you really must like him because that just does not sound like you! I'm so proud!" she says wiping a fake tear from her eye.

I do really like him. In fact, I don't remember a time that I've liked someone this much in such a short amount of time. It's scary, so scary, but I'm willing to risk getting my heart broken again if I can be this happy while it lasts.

I grab the coffees from Sam and head over to where Harry is sitting. "So what's the plan for today?" I ask him, handing him a coffee. He looks up at me, a big smile on his face. "Evangeline Williams, will you go on a date with me? A real date, at a fancy restaurant, wearing nice clothes." I feel my nerves spike. The good kind of nerves. "Of course. I would love to, Harry Styles." I tell him, getting excited.

He drops me off at my apartment and I run inside sand in the middle of my kitchen, not knowing what to do next. I check my phone. 4:48. I run to the shower, knowing I only have a little over two hours to get ready. I curl my hair and put it in a half -up half -down style. I put on makeup, a little heavier than usual. I run over to my closet and pick out a flowy burgundy dress and pair that with black heels that I barely know how to walk in. I grab my purse, put some dog food in Roman's bowl, and wait to hear tires on the concrete outside.

After a few minutes I hear a knock at my door. I open the door and see Harry standing there with a bouquet of flowers. "Wow. I mean- wow." he says, looking stunned. I laugh, taking the flowers from him and putting them in a vase. 

I turn back around to him to see him still stunned. "Are you okay?" I ask, getting worried. "Yeah, you look beautiful, that's all." he tells me, making my heart melt. "Thank you, I messed up a little on the eye shadow but hey this is what you get." I say letting out a chuckle. "It's perfect." he says. We exchange a quick kiss then he leads me out the door and to his car.

We pull up at a nice french restaurant that I can't pronounce the name of. We get out of the car and the paparazzi swarm around us. Harry grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd. We make our way through the doors and are immediately led to a booth. The lights are dark and there is soft music playing in the background. This is going to be amazing. I can feel it.

We talk for hours while eating expensive fish. We talk about our pasts, our biggest dreams, our goals in life, our family, everything. It was one of those conversations that make you realize just how much you want to be with that person. Just like a fairy tale. I've never felt more special than I did that night. Even after the date I was still treated like a princess. He dropped me off at my apartment, making sure I was led up to my apartment safely, we shared a magical kiss good night. Every date after that was just as special, but the first one I will always remember.

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Hey guys! Just a few announcements!

First of all I just want to thank all of you who have read this fic, it means so much!! 

Secondly, I want to announce that I have found out the release date for the second book in the series, which is going to be October 12th, so be ready for that! It's called Only Eve!!

Make sure you follow me on my socials (in bio) and on here to get the announcements and updates!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


also this wasn't the exact dress I wanted but I couldn't find the other one that I had picked out!!

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also this wasn't the exact dress I wanted but I couldn't find the other one that I had picked out!!

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