Chapter 17

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Fred stood in the doorway with his arms crossed on his chest. His hair was now back to its normal colour. I rolled my eyes when I saw him smiling at me. "What do you want?" I asked my tone very dull and cold. "Someone's in a mood" he stated. "Well, someone interrupted my nap" I snarled. "What do you want?" I asked again.

"Is Angelina here?" He said trying to look into the room. "No, she not why?". "She told me to meet her here, but she must still be trying to sort her hair out" and then he pushed past me walked into the room taking a seat on the Angelina's bed. "Yeah, come on in" I sarcastically whispered to myself as I closed the door. After shutting the door, I walked back to my bed and climbed in laying on my side and facing away from Fred.

"So" Fred said dragging out the o. I ignored him not want to converse with him. "Hellooo!" he called again, and I still ignored him. "Why are you ignoring me?" he questioned. He was really starting to get on my nerves now. I just wanted to nap in peace, but I guess that's not going to happen now. I sat up from my bed still facing away from him and pulled on some leggings over my shorts and then grabbed a book so I could leave the room. But before I could leave Fred said something "What's your problem?"

I let go of the door handle and turned to face him. "There isn't a problem" I said trying to stay calm. Fred scoffed which pissed me off. "There obviously is" he stated standing up from the bed. "Well, there isn't" I shot back at him. "Oh, come off it and just tell me!" He says with a scoff. "You want to know my problem?" I took a step forward. "YOU are my problem" I said pointing at him. "What?" he said. "I said you are my problem" my voice rising slightly as I tried to contain my anger.

"You've hardly spoken to me for over almost a year and now you're here trying to talk to me acting like it's never been any different." I said finally telling out how I felt. "What?" he said. "Since you've been dating Angelina, you have hardly spoken to me and then when you do you act like everything's fine" I continued. "You said you were okay with me and her..." He spoke. "And I am, I couldn't careless who you date, but do you know what I do mind is your nasty comments when you're with her" I said. "What you on about?" He asks.

"Oh, don't act like you don't know what I mean. I've heard you tell her 'I can't believe was friends her' or 'yeah I can't stand her'" I saw his face drop. "Yeah, I've heard you say it when I've been walking past" I told him. "Y/n I..." but I cut him off "Don't bother coming up with some excuse Fred!" I said my temper almost overflowing now. "Y/n you don't understand I.." he tried to speak. "Oh, I understand perfectly, I wasted 10 years of my life being friends with someone for them to basically stab me in the back"

I was done with talking to, so I turned around and left the room. As I was running down the stairs, I collided with someone's chest and that someone just happened to be George. "Whoa what's the rush?" he said steadying me with is arm. "Nothing just wanted to get away from your brother" I told him as we continued down to the common room. "Why?" he asked and so as we sat, I explained to him what had happened. But telling him this also meant telling him about the comments that I've heard Fred make about me to Angelina.

"You should have said something to me" George said grabbing my hand. "No, a shouldn't have George because then that would have been me coming in between you and him" I shook my head. "I can't believe he's said those things" he shook his head in an angry manner. "Please don't go fighting with him over me, it's not worth it!" I pleaded. "I promise I won't but that doesn't mean I'm not angry with him." he looked into my eyes.

Third person POV...

The pair continued to look into each other's eyes as they gravitated closer together before their lips connected. Georges hands softly cupped her cheeks as he pulled her closer to him. The kiss was quite passionate and left the both of them slightly breathless.

However, the pair still had to remember that this was all fake and it only had to last for 6 more months. Although secretly they would both admit that they didn't want it to end not that they would tell each other.  

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