Chapter 9

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Me and George had now been 'dating' for 9 weeks. It had been over a month since Fred had found out. During this time, he tried to make small talk with me. He asked about how me, and George ended up dating and I could not even answer him because I didn't know what to say so I just told him that I wasn't discussing my love life with him. He insisted I told him, but I was not going to give into him.

The new school term was well underway, and classes were become increasingly stressful. The house of Gryffindor had decided to throw a party to celebrate its latest win against Slytherin. I was not going to attend tonight because I was quite tired, but George had told me as my fake boyfriend it was his job to make sure I had as much fun as possible whilst I was still at school. So, about an hour after the party had started, I made my way down to the common room. I looked around to see most of the house in attendance expect for the first and second years who had been kicked out of the common room by the 7th years earlier on.

I walked over to the drinks table to grab one when a voice made me jump. "Ah so she finally turns up" I turn to my side to see George looking down at me. I rolled my eyes as I picked up a shot of fire whiskey, downing it in one. "I was going to ignore what you told me and just stay in bed" I said looking at him. "Oh, you know I would have come up there and dragged you down" he smirked. "Oh yeah and how did you plan on getting up the stairs" I shot back. "ur-urm" he scratched the back of his neck. "I didn't think about that."

"Your we never a smart one was you, Georgie? " I teased him. "Hey!" he exclaimed pretending to be hurt. "I'm smart" he said shoving my shoulder playfully. "Oh yeah that's why I did your homework for you at Christmas" I smirked. "Okay I'll give you that" he sighed before we both let out a laugh. We both grabbed a drink and made our way to the couch in the middle of the common room. We chatted for a while and whilst we were chatting it almost felt as if there was no one else in the room.

We were laughing at something George had just said when the loud voice of Angelina interrupted us. "Ah would you look at that, Gryffindor's latest couple sat huddled away" everyone's eyes in the room turned to look at me and George. "That's right everyone, George and y/n have been dating for over two months." I froze up at her words. George must have noticed this because he grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze. My eyes filtered to his as he gave me a reassuring smile. I gave him a small smile back.

"Just look how cute they!" you could hear the sarcasm in her voice. "So, everybody that's both Weasley twins off the market" she grabs Freds for arm and squeezed it. Suddenly people from around the common room began approaching us to congratulate us. In all honesty after a while, it became quite uncomfortable. People were congratulating us on a fake relationship, on a lie that George had gotten us into. I did not know how long I could keep up this whole act, it would eventually be spread around the whole school, and I was not sure I could handle it. I didn't want to be the topic of people's conversations; I didn't want people staring at me whilst I walked around the castle. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Ron and Ginny approached us. "So, when where you going to tell us?" Ron asks. I look to George for some help. "We were going to tell you at the end of this week Ron, I promise but Angelina opened her big mouth" he said hoping that they would buy it whist he gritted his teeth to try and show that he was 'angry' the pair nodded their heads. "I'm so happy for you guys, you both look so happy" Ginny squeals slightly as she pulls me in to a hug. I was take slightly taken back by the action but hugged back still. "Thanks Gin" I smiled. After that ginny disappeared off with some of her friends and George and Ron fell into a conversation about quidditch. Whist they were talking I slipped out of the common room to get some air.

I took a deep breath as I sat on one of the stone benches in the courtyard. My mine began racing with thoughts. I don't think I can do this anymore; I hate lying to my friends and honesty I didn't think I could keep it up until we left Hogwarts. "y/n?" I turned around to see George approaching. I quickly wiped the tears from my face using the sleave of my jumper. "Why are you outside? It's bloody freezing" he almost scolds me just like molly would scold him when he was in trouble. "I needed some air" I shrugged as he sat beside me. "You've been crying" he states getting to the point. "What! No, I haven't" I said looking away from him. "Yes, you have, you can't lie to me, and your face is all red" he points out. I shook my head still not looking at him. "Ow!" I exclaimed as I felt a pinch on my ear and my head was pulled to face George. "So, tell me, why were you crying?" he asks placing his hand and my cheek and caressing it with his thumb. He was looking at me intently with his eyes waiting for an answer. "I... I just don't think I can do this anymore" I looked down not being able to look him in the eyes anymore. "Do what?" he asks his voice laced with some concern and some confusion. "This whole fake relationship, I just can't do it George. It's just too much, I'm lying to my friends. Whenever I'm asked about it by them, I don't know what I going to say without being suspicious to them", "like you've already said I'm a horrible liar" when I've finished talking, I look back up to George my eyes ready to break.

"Hey, listen to me, you can do this, we'll get through this together." he said taking my other hand and giving it a squeeze. "George, I can't, people are going to talking about it and be whispering things" I shook my head again. "Then let them talk about it, I'll be here for you, I won't let people say anything to you or let them hurt you" he says like he hasn't got a care in the world. I take a deep breath nodding a little. He removes his hand from my cheek and pulls me into his chest. His arms were wrapped round me tightly as he nuzzled his head into my hair. "it's all going to be okay" he says before kissing my forehead gently and tightening the hug slight.

A/N: finally updated! Sorry it took so long. I have been busy with my level 3 college assignments, and they had taken up most of my time. Hopefully, I'll be back to more regular updates soon! 

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