Billy, Spike and Jessie

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"Who are they," the blonde boy asked while Leo and I flipped through hospital records "is she his girlfriend"

"He's my brother you wanker" I whispered 

"Oh, Hanna and Leo just some siblings, Leo said he works for his uncle near kings cross does deliveries for him," B said smiling over at us "I don't know what Hanna does"

"I like them" the girl we almost killed said "Leo's tasty" I burst into a fit of giggles alarming Leo but I quickly recovered and looked away from their small group 

"Oh I don't" the blonde boy growled and I was very taken at back by his attitude which I thought would have passed by now 

"Yeah but you hate posh people," the girl said 

"I don't hate posh people" he yelled and I looked over at them Leo was so wrapped up in the records he didn't listen to a word that the boy had said 

"You're like a racist against posh people," the girl told him "it's not posh peoples fault they're posh just like it's not our fault we're common" 

"I don't hate posh people" he yelled again and I frowned at them 

"Yeah just keep repeating that it makes it more believable," the boy with black hair said 

"Who cares who they are Leo's smart very smart and Hanna is really nice," B told them "and if they can help with the case I don't care what their story is"

"You do realize I've been hearing everything the four of you have been saying including the posh racist" I yelled not taking my eyes off of the book 

"I don-" the blonde began 

"Can I help you with something?" a librarian asked walking down the steps 

"Madame, have you ever heard of a woman names Edna Skiffins?" the black-haired boy asked leading her away, I giggled a little 

"Chaps" Leo yelled "chaps, chaps I've found the birth register for St. Mary's six girls were on there on the 2nd of October four have gone missing and one passed away before it was born the last one lives at 18 persimmon mews," I noticed the blonde boy's harsh glare at my brother he caught me eye and I gave him a small smile 

"That's where we need to go" B smiled ripping out the page 

"Oh uh" I began but I stopped myself, you weren't supposed to rip pages out but whatever 

"Beatrice there's something I feel I need to say" Leo announced "I have to put forward the thesis that it's highly unlikely this is a natural phenomenon" 

"Well duh" I scoffed making Leo glare at me I crossed my arms returning the glare, I always stood my ground 

"I think there's human design at play here" he continued 

"I thought you meant magic but whatever" I shrugged the other girl looked at me happily and I wasn't sure why 

"What's he's saying," the girl asked 

"He's saying that someone is controlling the birds"  announced. We walked out of the library and began to walk to the address of where the next baby would be held I walked alongside the other girl 

"I never got your name," I said and she grinned 

"I'm Jessie but you can call me Jess," she told me, and arm wrapped around my shoulders and I looked to see the black-haired boy 

"I'm Spike and he's Billy," he said grinning broadly 

"Nice to meet you all" I laughed as we continued to walk I could feel Billy's eyes burning a hole in the back of my neck, does this kid ever smile or have a positive attitude?

"Guys," Spike said suddenly "I ain't coming, think about what you're doing a girl is dead not just dead her fucking eyes were pulled out of her face and you want to go play at being cops? if you had a brain cell between you you'd walk away" well I guess it's good that I don't have any brain cells then 

"That's fine" B snapped "Jessie, go back to the cellar with him" 

"What, no I'm coming with you I want to help," Jess said with hurt in her voice 

"No you're not going and put your feel up for a but" 

"You can't keep me cooped up all day cause you're worried something might happen to me tell her Billy" 

Billy looked down at the ground "she's right Jess tonight could be dangerous" 

"We're not asking you, we're telling you" B growled and I understood where she was coming from, I was pretty protective of Leo and I didn't want him getting hurt 

"You're telling me?" she shouted "you're not my mum B why can't I come"


Because what"

"Because you're a mess Jessy" B yelled "because you're falling to pieces and yes I'm worried about you we're all worried about you, you walked in front of a horse Jessie you're lucky to be alive I don't want you getting hurt I can't risk it I can't risk losing you as well"

"You think I'm crazy like mum" Jessie cried "you all do, I'm just a burden to you all aren't I? just someone you have to look after" she stormed away and Spike followed I hated how sad she looked 

"Jessie doesn't need your pity" Billy spat at me sending a nasty look my way

"Excuse me?" I snapped throwing my arms up in the air 

"You heard me" he yelled 

"What is your problem" I shot back 

"I don't have a problem"

"I think you do" 

"Hanna come here" Leo called I gave Billy a dirty look before going to catch up with Leo, he linked his arm with mine and gave me a look "try not to kill him" Leo laughed 

"It might be hard" I sniffed turning my nose in the air "he's an arrogant prick" 

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