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I raced down the stairs not caring one bit that I was dressed in a nightgown, Jess and B were already down there along with everyone else when I entered. I walked into the cold room and stepped to the front of the group

"Hanna" Leo tried to hold me back but I slipped away from his grasp, when I got to the front I saw Gustave dead, his eyes were bleeding and he was tied to a chair with a circle of swords around him, I was frozen in place looking at the man in front of me 

"Gustave" Mycroft whispered when he entered to room, I started to shake a little bit, I would do anything not to be here right now 

"What are we going to do?" Spike asked with a terrified expression 

Fifteen minutes later we were back in our regular clothes walking down the path to the gates away from the house, Jess took the dress though 

"Can I just say, walking away from peril is such a refreshing change of tact" Spike said to me "this right here is the appropriate reaction to danger"

"This isn't like the other cases," I told him "this is straight-up murder, nothing paranormal about it" we all stopped walking when the house loomed in front of us "did we turn down another path?" I asked looking back from where we came from 

"This- This doesn't make any sense" Leo whispered, his blue eyes widening, we all walked down the path but again, the house loomed in front of us 

"What the hell is going on?" I asked

"This way" Billy pulled my arm and we started walking into the field but we always ended up at the same place 

"No, no no no no" Spike was freaking out 

"The eight of swords," Leo said softly 

"What?" B asked 

"The body just now, it was posed as the eight of swords, that card means captivity and imprisonment," Leo told us "we were wrong Hanna, there is magic here, what if spirit boards aren't the only way to access power from the Rip what if someone is using the tarot murderers?" 

"What about the first murder?" Jess asked, "what does the magician mean?"  

"Normally it means power, but Richard Wynn's body was turned upsidedown so it means manipulation, trickery, and deception"

"If we can't get out no one can get in" B realized "which means no police, someone's gone to great lengths to trap us here" 

"We need to find out why," I said and started walking towards the house, Billy grabbed my arm and held me back "get off of me" I snapped pushing his hand off "I don't need you to worry about me, I'm fine and I'm not a baby" I walked quickly to the house leaving Billy and my very confused friends behind, I was pissed at him and at B and I needed to get my emotions under control  

"Mycroft who are these people?" Dion asked when we barged back into the house 

"They are a group of special investigators" Mycroft explained "I invited them here this weekend to try and find out who killed Richard" 

"Special investigators? what's special about them? that they're still going through puberty?" Dion retorted "Mycroft go and fetch the police" 

I stood up quickly "My friends and I have seen things, done things" my voice cracked when I said done "in the last few weeks that you couldn't even dream of, so yes we are investigating and yes you will help us when we damn ask you to" I spat and they all looked down at their feet "we tried to leave the estate and it's impossible"

"What on earth do you mean?" R.P asked 

"She means we're trapped here," Allan said "the eight of swords has cast a spell upon the house"

"How did you know that?" Leo asked suspiciously 

"Look, my watch says it's a quarter to five so why do the stars say it's three AM"

"He's right" Leo sighed "the incantation has not just trapped us in place but in time" 

"Someone here is using Magic," Allan said  "powerful magic, all these years we have chanted and prayed finally it's here!"

"Two people are dead Allan" Patricia scoffed "save your conniptions for another time"

"You all need to remember that someone in this room has killed two people, be on your guard" 

The Dark and The Light-BillyWhere stories live. Discover now