The Tunnels

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"It begins," Watson said as we looked up at the sky, it looked like there was blue lightning in front of the clouds. We held our weapons at the ready as we walked down the streets that were damaged severely. I took a deep breath before looking at Aldgate Station. Jess told us that the Linen man would be here "they barricaded it" Watson informed us "I thought they might, come" he started to lead us in the other direction 

"Where are we going now?" I asked Jess and she shook her head confused 

"I check the ordinance before we left," Watson said "the old sewer runs through the tunnel line, it'll give us access to the underground works, help me with this" he and B bent down to open a  drain

"That's not bad Watson" B commented 

"You didn't bring me along for my charm did you?" he asked, not really needing an answer, they lifted the drain up and we peered into a black hole with a ladder on the side so we could climb down, Billy and Spike looked down 

"Go on then" Billy looked at Spike who frowned 

"What" Spike's eyebrows creased "no, I'm the skeleton, not the testicles" something started rubbing and there were screams 

"Somethings coming" Jess gasped and I was pushed behind Billy as more and more people began to scream, a big chunk of bricks was thrown to outright and it smashed on the ground

"I am not dying today," I said pushing Billy gently out of the way and walking to the hole 

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked 

"I'm going down there," I told him  

"No you're not" he snapped 

"Actually I am, so think twice the next time you want to rule me out as some stuck up posh person" he laughed and I kissed his cheek, those were the words we had said to each other on our first mission when we had to save the babies, I began to climb down the small ladder and the others followed 

"For heaven's sake stay together" Watson commanded as we entered the sewer tunnels "everyone, stay as quiet as possible, if they hear us we're done for" he turned to look at us "this way" we began to walk farther into the sewers there was grey water everywhere, I did everything I could not to gag I continued to walked but heard whispering I looked to my left and into some fog, I saw the images of Billy being hurt re-appear, he was calling my name and I wanted to help but I couldn't 

"NO" I yelled as he was killed, I fell to the floor sobbing No, no" I sobbed convinced that Billy had been killed, I could hear B yelling a few feet away as well, Leo knelt down and wrapped me in a hug holding his finger to his lips, I had to stay quiet

"Kitten" Billy whispered grabbing my hand, I whimpered and held onto him as we continued to walk, I almost screamed when the tunnels rumbled and dust fell from the walls 

"The tunnel's collapsing, we need to move now" Watson whispered we started to walk faster 

"Stay calm" Billy whispered giving me a comforting smile, Watson held his gun out in front of him just in case we saw the man 

"Can you hear something?" Spike asked 

"No, be quiet," Billy said suddenly his hand was ripped from mine and he vanished, I looked around but I didn't have time to call for help because I was soon transported to a dark tunnel all alone, I saw the outline of Billy in the shadows

"Billy?" I called apprehensively but the figure didn't answer he just continued to walk towards me but at a fast pace, then I realized something was following Billy's figure 

"Hello little Bill" the other figure growled, it was Vic

"Get away from him" I yelled now being able to see both Billy and Vic's faces, I watched as Vic began to mock Billy who was sinking lower and lower to the ground then Vic struck him "Please no" I whimpered 

"Who's all grown up now?" Vic said in a mocking voice, he hit Billy again with a crowbar, I heard a snap and Billy screamed, Vic must have broken his arm I found myself unable to move while Vic's beatings got even worse and worse 

"No, don't, you're going to kill him" I sobbed looking at the broken Billy in front of me "help" I screamed Vic was so close to killing Billy and I had to do something Vic was about to give his last strike when the images disappeared, I panted, even though the images in front of me were gone I remembered what I was seeing, it was embedded in my mind

"Hanna?" a voice yelled, I recognized it as Billy's voice "Hanna" I couldn't answer, I was still in shock. All of a sudden Billy rushed to my side and I grabbed onto his arms 

"You-You were dying," I told him looking into his blue eyes that were filled with concern 

"Hanna, it wasn't real, you're ok, I'm ok" he assured me, I nodded and he pressed his lips against mine gently, I fell into his arms still trembling violently 

"We n-need to find Leo," I said and we got up 

"Leo?" Billy yelled we walked into the next tunnel where Leo lay looking terrified 

"I was bleeding" he gasped and I knew how horrible that had to have been, it was his worst fear I ran to my brother and wrapped my arms around him, we both shook in each other's arms "I'm good," he said smiling a bit, I knew he wanted to be strong for me but I also knew how freaked out he was. 

"Spike?" I called 

"I'm here, I'm here" he yelled back, we rushed towards his voice, we got Spike on his feet and went to find B and Jess, the tunnel started to crumble and Billy shoved me out of the way I screamed as I hit the floor 

"My leg" Billy groaned in pain "my leg, my leg's wreaked"

"Oh my god" I cried rushing to his side 

"BILLY, LEO" B yelled on the other side of the wall, what the hell were we going to do. 

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