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"Hey, we can turn back" Billy assured me "I don't want you getting more sick"

"I'm ok," I told him "I'll be fine, you don't need to worry"

"I do worry Kitten, you know that," he said and I smiled softly as we continued walking into the botanical gardens 

"And I love you for that" I grinned "I'm glad you're here, ever since I met you I've felt less scared, less alone" he kissed me gently 

"Me too," he said taking my hand. We walked for a very long time, it seemed never-ending and I was starting to wonder if the lady was even here 

"This place goes on forever" I whined as we walked through an entrance in some overgrown hedges and came across a building 

"This place looks familiar" Spike commented "This is the same place as the photos back at her house" a dog started barking, the dog was loud and scary but appearance-wise it was small and didn't look all that dangerous, Billy pulled me behind him just in case the dog broke free from its chains we walked to the entrance of the building 

"Everybody stay close" B warned, Billy, nodded and opened the door I walked next to him and we crept close to the open part of the building, I covered my mouth with my hand and turned away when we saw the woman standing over her husband 

"Billy what the actual fuck is she doing" I whispered still not looking, he didn't answer, he seemed to be in shock or something 

"When Prometheus made humans out of clay and gave them fire," the woman said "Zeus punished him by tying him to a rock" we walked closer "and had an eagle eat out his liver every day for an eternity" she turned around and gave us a sickening smile "what punishment did you have for me" 

"Billy stop" I grabbed his arm as he lunged forward 

"It's over Edith," B told her, oh right it was Edith.

"Yes, you're right" she agreed "it is over but not for the reason you think" Edith kept smiling at us and it made me very nervous "it's over because he's ready" she gestured to her husband who looked like, well, I don't know what he looked like "I finished him" the man had so many different body parts from other people, it was absolutely horrifying. Edith held up a syringe "this serum will bring him out of his coma" 

"Great" I mumbled 

"We can't let her wake that thing up," Spike said  

"I built him to be very strong," Edith told us "he won't take kindly to you threatening me I assure you"

"What did you  expect Edith?" B asked "you can't steal body parts and expect that there won't be any consequences"

"I took donations from people who could afford them" she yelled, donations, that's funny. "I didn't kill anybody, he didn't need vital organs"

"Are you seriously trying to justify this?" I scoffed "B saw a man this morning with a hole in him the size of a fist" 

"He's made up of over thirty people" Edith argued

"Who gives a shit, you still didn't ask and people didn't give you their body parts voulinterily therefore it is not a donation" I spat 

"I have mastered life" she yelled 

"The story of Promethius is a warning Edith" Leo spoke up "those who try to turn science upon nature will be met with disaster, what you're doing is wrong"

"Wong? wrong, don't you talk to me about wrong" she whispered dangerously "my husband was a surgeon, saving lives and yet god saw it fit to give him this illness while rapists and murderers walk around in the best of health, well, I found a way to become a god and I'll be a better one than he ever was" 

"No Edith, don't" B cried as the syringe was shoved into the man's arm, I stepped back afraid of what was going to happen, suddenly the man jerked awake gasping for air 

"Hanna get behind me" Billy said and I didn't waste any time doing so

"Sammy I'm here, I'm here" Edith said looking over the man who was jerking wildly and breathing hevily, she lifted him up but then he fell down, dead once more "No" Edith sobbed "No, No, No Sammy?" 

"It's over Edith" B said walking over to the woman 

"It must have reached his vital organs" Edith concluded "I knew I should have collected more parts" 

"Tell us what you know about John watson" B commanded "fifteen years ago a Rip opened we know you were involved and we know he was involved, you are going to tell us what you know" 

"Why should I" Edith asked turning around 

"If you tell us we won't take you to the police" B said 

"B if we do that she's just going to keep taking body parts" Spike told her 

"I don't care, it doesn't matter, what matters is that we find out about John Watson"

"We can't do that B" Billy said 

"My god" Edith gasped "you hate him almost as much as I do, and I thought you were all here to save him" 

"Save him?" I asked and as if on cue there was a banging from the back room, I walked over swiftly but causiously, I opened the door and there sat John Watson tied to a chair with a cloth stuffed in his mouth. 

"Holy shit"

The Dark and The Light-BillyWhere stories live. Discover now