The Devil in London

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"Hanna, get up" I shot out of bed to B shaking me 

"What's wrong?" I asked 

"We have to go see Watson," she said "it's urgent" I nodded and we ran up the stairs of the cellar and out to the streets 

"B, I don't know if this is safe" I frowned looking around at all the people screaming

"We'll be fine if we hurry," she told me and we started walking quickly through the chaos, there were horses everywhere and people were just going crazy, we crossed the road and got to 221B, I knocked and we looked around while we waited

"Get off the streets" the police yelled blowing their whistles, I whipped around when the door opened and a confused Watson waved us in 

"Why are you here?" he asked us, I looked over at B, "I told you the truth didn't I? suffered the indignation of having to bare my soul to a psychopath and a bunch of adolescence"

"You didn't tell me the whole truth," B said "I need you to tell me why you did it"  

"Does it matter why?" Watson shouted 

"It matters cause the Rip you opened took my mum from me" she sneered leaning over his desk, Watson frowned and walked closer to her dangerously then he backed away and went to a cabinet

"When I first met sherlock he was unknown," he told us "I was the one who saw greatness in him, we moved in together, began working cases for the police" he gave us both a drink "his flaws and foibles were many but they were my domain, I understood how to keep him focused so as his reputation grew I took pride in that, Sherlock Holmes is not the work of one ban but of two, his successes were my own" 

"So you were jealous?" I asked and he threw me a dirty look 

"He began to drift away from me, I needed to find a way to show him that I, too, was a man capable of greatness" 

"You opened the Rip to impress him?" B scoffed

"I wasn't trying to open a Rip, I only intended to make contact with the spirit world" he spits out, "I thought if I was the first one to do it he would see"

"Why did you save him and not my mum at the Rip," she asked  

Watson stared at her for a moment "Your mother didn't just manage his flaws and foibles, she soothed something deep within him, a place I could never reach"

"My mum shouldn't have been soothing sherlock he should have been soothing her"

"She has a point" I piped up, B's mom had been through so much so why was she soothing someone else 

"You talk about his greatness your greatness, how can men be so obsessed with it yet never see when a woman has it" B yelled 

"Do you not think I know that" Watson growled "how could I ever compete" wait was he jealous of Alice? "do you not think that watching them fall deeper in love with every touch they shared every smile do you not think?" his voice cracked "I just, I just wanted him to see me"

"Why did you save him and not her," B asked again 

"B I don't think-" I tried to say 

"Hanna stop" she snapped

"I didn't make a choice wither way, I just acted" he shook his head 

"Why did you save him and not her"


"When two people work together for so long a bond forms, we were inseparable"

"Tell me why you didn't save my mum" B shouted slamming her hands down on the table 

"Because I love him" Watson blurted out angrily "because I've always loved him" B stared at him not having expected that answer 

"That's why you opened the Rip" B concluded "that's why you saved him and that's why you still look after him" she shook her head "no, no, a man like you isn't capable of love, you're too cold for it, why do you think it is that you're all alone"

"B stop," I said, I get that she was made but attacking someone else's weaknesses isn't the way to go   

"I'm all alone?" Watson scoffed "where are all your friends then, Hanna doesn't count she looks like she's about to leave you as well"

"JOHN" we all whipped around after a voice yelled, "John where the hell are you?" Sherlock stumbled into the room carrying Jess who was out cold 

"What happened to her," I asked running over 

"Jessie, Jessie" B tried to wake her up "What happened?" 

"The devil has arrived in London" 

Sorry for the short chapter but I am happy to say that Hanna and Billy will stay together no matter what and I have figured out a way to keep them together, thank you all for your advice. If you want to know how they stay together I'll say that @HAN-XAVIER   came up with the idea in the comments of the previous chapter!  I made this chapter short because I don't want to go too long without Billy so I'm finding a way for Hanna to go meet up with Spike so they can go to Billy.

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