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"Here it is," Leo said "the largest aviary in Europe, Vulture, the ravens, I knew they had to come from somewhere this is him" we stood in front of the aviary looking at its giant glass windows 

"Let's go then," I said walking forward, we opened the doors of the aviary and took in our surroundings, it would be beautiful if we weren't looking for someone who captures babies

"Where are the birds?" Leo asked looking up to the tall ceiling 

"Out stealing babies" B suggested, we walked down the path through the giant leaves it was pretty creepy I froze when I saw the man in the cloak on the staircase the rest of the group had yet to notice the man glared at me 

"You've come for my babies" Arthur growled making us all gasp "you shouldn't have and now I'm going to have to hurt you, you're trying to stop me from finding my baby"

"You're baby's dead Arthur" I called "she died at the hospital the day she was born" I didn't want to make it sound like I didn't care but I was desperate to get to the little babies 

"No, someone took her and they swapped her" he yelled raising his arms, there were distant screeches 

"What's he doing," Billy asked looking around in fright  

"I think he's calling them" I replied as there were more screeches that were growing closer to us 

"I've been too subtle in my methods" Arthur sneered "why not all the birds in London why not all the birds in England" birds started flying around the aviary I backed up into Leo who grabbed my arm and pulled me back, all of us started running for the door as the crows filled the sky 

"Close the doors" B yelled, Leo and Billy, were able to shut them just as crows started ramming themselves into the glass B and I went to close the other doors on the other side 

"I will find her if I have to take every baby in London" Arthur yelled while waving his arms and making the crows start to circle the aviary I saw the other two friends running for the doors 

"Jess, Spike" I yelled waving them inside, Jess screamed as a bird nearly hit her the birds were relentless smashing over and over into the glass cracking it 

"I have to go over to him," Jess said bravely 

"What do you mean? why" I asked looking at her 

"I just have to touch him," she told us 

"What no" B yelled 

"Please B for once you have to trust me" she yelled walking away, B and I continued to hold the doors shut, suddenly glass poured down on us as the crows crashed through the glass ceiling I screamed as they started circling us a few came flying at our heads B grabbed me and pulled me down Jess touched Arthur and all the birds stopped, they flew back out the windows and away 

"Oh my god," I panted running into the maze to find Leo, I crashed into him hugging him tightly

"What the hell are you doing" I looked up and saw that I was not hugging Leo, I was hugging Billy. I quickly released him I need to be more careful about who I hug 

"Sorry, I meant to hug Leo," I said spotting him and running to my brother. Arthur was on his knees sobbing, a bunch of babies were crying upstairs so I ran up the staircase with billy at my heels. I spotted the one I had tried to save and walked over to it, Billy stood next to me smiling at the little girl who was playing with her blanket 

"Hi beautiful" he whispered to her, the baby was mesmerized by him and stopped crying. I hadn't seen this side of Billy yet and it was sweet Suddenly the bells rang and I looked up 

"Leo" I yelled running down the stairs "Leo wait" but he was gone I guess he had gone back to the palace I sighed deciding whether or not to go back home 

"Do you want to come with us?" Jess asked "you could use a change of clothes" I looked down, indeed she was right my light blue dress was all muddy and soaked and my curls had flattened while dripping with water 

"Uh yeah, I'll do that" I smiled at her she and B linked their arms with mine and we walked out. I went back to where they lived, Jess gave me some clothes and I went to clean my cuts I hissed when I pressed the cloth to my arm

"You alright?" Billy asked taking another cloth for his cuts 

"I think so" I mumbled trying not to whimper "what about you, that looks pretty bad" I pointed to a long gash along his arm, a crow must have scratched him with its talons  

"I'll survive" he chuckled "you know you're different than I thought you would be" 

"How so?" I asked still wiping blood off 

"Well for one you basically took your dress off in the pouring rain and second you didn't go back to whatever posh place you came from," he said and I laughed it was improper for a girl to take the second layer of skit off of her dress

"Well I like it better here, not as many rules and strict dress codes," I told him and he arched his eyebrow 

"Where are you from?" 

"You're going to judge me if I say" I said softly 

"I promise I won't" he held out his pinky and I wrapped my pink around his knowing that he would probably keep true to his words 

"I happen to be the daughter of Queen Victoria," I told him waiting for an outburst 

"Huh, and you prefer it here?" he asked 

"Yeah, my brother and I are far more different than the rest of our siblings, I hate cocktail parties and huge gowns," I said and he laughed B rounded the corner and we both looked up 

"No sign of posh boy I take it," Billy said and she shook her head sadly, Leo had gone home and I knew that wouldn't go over well with our new friends, Daimler probably wouldn't care much if I went home or not 

"Welp you still have me," I told her making B smile, suddenly her face went ridged and she walked out 

"B?" I asked concerned, I turned to look at Billy who shrugged, that was odd. I looked up and saw Jess laughing with Spike as they read a book, this whole place was so cozy and I wished I had lived here my whole life.

Thank you so much for 140 views in one day, that actually insane!

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